The Interrogators is a crime series available on Youtube. 

This page will list some episodes that are unusual.

 1) Season 1 Episode 8 has a few interrogations. One involves a character named Sherman Norwood who claims very convincingly that he was not involved in a shooting. The police officer talks a bit before the episode, and there are few people sleazier on either side of any law than that cop. Him being a cop is like Ronald Reagan being president. 

The victim identified the shooter as Sherman Norwood, so he is probably guilty, but the cop goes into various deceptions to get a confession. He pretends to give a 5 minute dna test which "comes back positive" etc.

There are a lot of people interviewed by cops like that who realize that cops can, and do, fabricate evidence. A lot of people do confess when they believe that evidence has been convincingly falsified. Sort of like when insulin producers raise the price to a ridiculous level people go along with it out of deference to the short term power of the individuals involved.

In this case the guy probably is guilty, but setting him up so that he feels the need to go along with the detective out of coercion rather than evidence is not a way to solve a crime.

At the end of the episode it mentions what the person was charged with.

Attempted murder? No.

Assault? No.

Shooting? No.

He was charged with attempting to possess a gun.

In other words either the gun they said was his wasn't, or the gun was a different caliber than the one used, or some other explanation.

That was around 2006 and it gave a strong lesson to the young man about what the law represents. The case in that episode is not findable on Google, but later cases against that guy, after he got out of a 3 year prison sentence for 'attempting to possess a gun', are, including robbing a store.

In that particular town the people who are opposite the police, e.g. the criminals, have a more natural solid foundation than the police. 

 The show is trying to present the police as being skilled at something or as having qualities that are respectable, but all several of the episodes, at least, show is how scummy cops are. I have seen videos of competent interrogations, so they do exist, but it's mind boggling that a pro police show would take the scummiest people, dressed in suits and carrying badges, to sell their message.

2) The next interview on the same episode is more interesting.

A heavy fellow went to his neighbors to intimidate and steal and ends up killing the person where he lived.

One of the first things somebody familiar with the United States and how areas evolve would notice are some 'developmental peculiarities involving regions. The interview took place around 2005. That's a complex issue that will be written about by somebody interested and more knowledgeable, but here is one observation.

 At 43 min 48 sec there is a picture of the front of the church where the funeral may have taken place. The first line of text is "Evil Often Fails". An unusual position for a church to take, and obviously a 'group' position, a strategic position or observation of that church's leadership.

That could be interpreted a number of ways, in other words a person could be generous to that church, but justifying that generosity would be difficult. 

Here is the church's website 

And that specific pastor or reverend 

Notice that the church has an evangelical tone, which is fine, but also notice that pastor's history.

Pastor CCCU 1976 - 2015 39 years

Senior Pastor of churches in Michigan, Ohio and New York

There are groups of similar churches across the United States and they overlap in some ways with overseas churches, some of which have been in the news recently in Asia.

As a collective, those churches use a British Colonial style to expand and consolidate, but their expansion days are clearly over.

That 'evangelizing' collective, including the 'heavy' police and suspect, are on the rapid retreat eastward starting in Asia, and are obviously being replaced in Europe, but probably do have enough power to consolidate in parts of North America as they retreat eastward.

There are vast populations with this 'unbrightness' across the United States, but their only survivable toehold, long term, is on the east coast, and even there, 'long term' is relative.

In this case the show does not present the useful part of the interview, i.e., the part where police try to extract the power from their interviewee by converting the subject to their group, the show only offers their ironic final result which is "group authority and power wins, so you should side with us and be safe".

The missing part of the interview would be a goldmine for anthropologists.

The broader context of the retreat of Christianity to that region is also interesting.

Christianity began as the Roman empire needed a glue to hold 'its' conquered groups obedient. Christianity was created obviously by a Jew working for the Romans, and there are similarities between those two religions, the big difference being the lesser amount of discipline in the more recent. Islam started in a vaguely similar context, but with one big difference. Islam has natural disciplines which give it an organic edge over Christianity.

So ultimately in any competition between Christianity and Islam the latter will win, and Europe is the relevant place in this case as Christianity cannot retreat further east than a temporary toehold west of Europe i.e., the new world.

The authoritarian church which is developing, a pathetic group, combined with their equally ridiculous 'law enforcers'  are in synch with the upcoming general shift to authoritarian rule in the United States.

When all is said and done it is certain there will be a lot of people alive to scratch their heads and ask how the United States could have been so stupid as to create a 'unipolar' melting pot by eliminating the liberties of the peoples' whose places they attacked/consumed.

As the natural reaction progresses, Asian power will continue expanding eastward but will probably not reach Europe to any great degree.

Another 'big picture' aspect of contrived authority groups like those involved in all aspects of this case is the general expansion of Judaism and its derivatives. Over thousands of years Jews did almost the same thing that the British and their origin group have done in the last few hundred years.

As Britain declines rapidly the slow decline of Judaism derived groups will accelerate and Asia will only find synergy in those declines.

3) Another case where integrity is sacrificed 'for the job' 

The last interview in that episode occurred in 2006. At that time it was much more common for police to kill unarmed people with the explanation that they were defending themselves. Prosecuting police in cases like that was almost unheard of at that time. Police were considered fully within their professional rights when they accidentally killed an unarmed person.

This episode is a woman who killed her boyfriend as he was about to beat her.

The explanation given by the interviewers at the end is a good example of the complete lack of any integrity, among police, being the norm. They can concoct a rationale that does not make sense, is contradictory, and have no worries because they know their group is strong enough to steamroll factual challenges to their logic.

This particular case is unusual in the series because it shows something even more disgraceful than the cops and their sleaziness.

Those 'journalists' who made the series clearly edited the interview to make the final statement by the detective appear less ridiculous.
















"Everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of existence."

~ Mourning Dove Salish