A few weeks ago a Native guy said that a friend of his was putting pictures of “Native badasses” like Geronimo on their Facebook page. He said that person thought there were no Native badasses today. He said that if a person wants to find a lot of Native badasses today they would have to go to the penitentiary. 

Another Native guy was talking about the first Native who came up with the idea of hunting a whale. He was in Northwestern Alaska and some people from Saint Lawrence Island had just gotten a whale and were sharing the meat. 

Now, of course, they have a lot of technology to help them. But in the distant past, who could be a badder badass then the first Eskimo who saw whales and tried to convince his friends they could get one. Probably there was a little discussion on how to do it. Maybe the first few trips would have had high casualties. 

The Bowhead whale gets up to 100 tons. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowhead_whale

Natives have hunted them for at least 2500 years http://explorenorth.com/library/yafeatures/bl-whaling.htm


Anna Politkovskaya would be a very unusual person in any country, but as things turn out she was an American Russian. 


One interesting thing about her murder.

Wikipedia says

"According to Russian state security officer Alexander Litvinenko, Politkovskaya asked him if her life was in imminent danger before the assassination."


The source footnote is

"[11] Ирина Хакамада о партийном строительстве и экономической ситуации в России (in Russian). Svoboda News. 4 December 2006. Archived from the original on 30 September 2007. Retrieved 7 December 2006."

Most readers would assume it was a Russian based source, but it's actually a Ukrainian newspaper headquartered in New Jersey, U.S.


Anna Politkovskaya was murdered on October 7, 2006.

Alexander Livinenko died November 23, 2006 after having been poisoned. 


It's pretty certain Anna Politkovskaya was murdered by gangsters acting on Russian nationalist motives, but the convoluted links make it seem all sides are hiding something.

The source article attribution is not only deceptive for using a U.S. based foreign language source, but the dating of the article reduces its credibility even further.


The Intercept published a top-secret document released by Edward Snowden with a screenshot of Intellipedia according to which

TS/REL TO (USA, AUS, CAN, GBR, NZL) Russian Federal Intelligence Services (probably FSB) are known to have targeted the webmail account of the murdered Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya. On 5 December 2005, RFIS initiated an attack against the account annapolitovskaya@US Provider1, by deploying malicious software which is not available in the public domain. It is not known whether the attack is in any way associated with the death of the journalist.






















A short while ago I added the following to the page



note: there is one stunning fact regarding the theater crisis referred to in the previous link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis

I remember the incident well, and the Wikipedia article leaves out one important detail, for some people the most significant detail. Researching further, I find that Google is prioritizing results that also leave out this detail. I won’t mention what it is. Any person who wants to get a surprise example of how propaganda and the war on terror have caused “news” to adapt should research the event. 

With Google serving as an assistant to propagandists, research may require going to paper copies of news articles from 2002. 


Again, the stunning way this news event has evolved won't be spelled out here, any interested person can research what the missing detail is, but it's an interesting Wikipedia article, and obviously has broader implications. 

Equally stunning, western sites like https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-dubrovka-theater-siege-15-anniversary/28817455.html try to give the appearance of criticizing the raid but they too completely omit the relevant details. In other words the totality of current coverage comes from a single motive minimizing something that should be the first thing people know about the raid. The actual original details are now very hard to find without going to old paper newspapers from the time. 

Freud, and many others, pointed out that anything that creates an internal conflict leaves footprints. That general observation has been developed in many ways by various scientists. 

In this case, the "adaptation" that this news item experienced with the passage of time probably bodes poorly for so called "western democracy", especially when paired with what some people call "fake news", "election meddling" or whatever. 

The bottom line, and this article may get fleshed out a bit more eventually, is that there is more and more evidence of a coming dramatic shift in power to China, India and their respective allies, and a fragmentation or "cleaning" of past super powers, notably the former Soviet Union and the United States. 

Again, more evidence of an approaching urgency to shift as much power as possible to Native Americans, with as little historical baggage attached to that power as possible.  


What I remember about the hostage situation from when it happened are two main details 1) A bunch of Chechen women took over the building and demanded that their land be respected by outsiders, and 2) the ‘rescuers’ filled the hall with sleeping gas, and as the women were unconscious the soldiers walked up to each woman and put a bullet in each of their heads. 

News Quotes

 “The guerrillas, who said they numbered 25 men and 25 women, showed no sign of yielding either.”

“The rebels said they would blow up the building unless Mr. Putin agreed to withdraw Russian forces from Chechnya”

”As a gray dawn broke this morning on the second full day of the hostage crisis, the guerrillas abruptly set free 7 unidentified hostages and pledged to release some or all of the 75 foreign hostages held in the crowd.”

The Chechens, who are demanding an end to Russia's war in the separatist republic, had earlier released 12 other hostages, including a British citizen who was said to be seriously ill, bringing the total freed to 39.”

”Anna Politkovskaya, a war journalist who was one of the final intermediaries to meet with the guerrillas on Thursday, said in an interview today that she had felt "there was a real chance to avoid any casualties" through negotiations.” She was murdered on Vladimir Putin’s birthday a few years later. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Politkovskaja 

“When the special forces stormed the theatre, the eery sight of hundreds of unconscious hostages and their captors greeted them. They went from Chechen to Chechen, methodically shooting each one in the head.”

“Visitors to Chechnya over the past six months note a growing belief among young Chechens that theirs is a "doomed generation," fated to be killed by the Russians whether they take up arms or simply stay at home waiting to be taken away in a police security sweep. And that perception has fueled an inclination to go down fighting.”

 “After pumping the theatre with an anesthetic gas, Russian forces entered on Oct. 26 and killed all the assailants. However, the seemingly successful rescue quickly turned to tragedy: the gas had proved lethal and 129 hostages died. No theatregoers were actually executed by the terrorists.”

 Further reading







A comparison of the Gilgo Beach murders and the Golden State killings. 

Two of the most famous strings of serial rapist/killers have a few things in common. 



In both cases the person who committed the crimes appears to be, or was, a police officer.

1) In both cases the killer left audio recordings of his voice and police declined to release, or did not release until years later, the audio.

2) In both cases other people were arrested and convicted for crimes that appear to have been committed by the rapist/killer, and police appear to have monkeyed with evidence to divert attention away from what looks like a police officer who committed the crimes. 



3) In both cases law enforcement downplayed or ignored evidence that the offender appears to be a police officer. 

There are quite a few similarities between the two crime sprees, and quite a few differences too, but the important point is that in both these two cases, and many others, the person is or was protected from capture by the fact that police are concerned about the effects of arresting a police officer. 

Worth noting that any time the subject of police officers committing violent crimes is raised, a flurry of comments and articles regarding 'police impersonators' will appear. In fact police impersonators commit only a tiny percentage of the violent crimes committed by real police officers. 

Should suspects be pursued without regard for whether or not they are police officers? Or should police officers who commit violent crimes be dealt with discreetly, so the public does not lose too much confidence in the police? 

~This page will be left up for reference, and updated as news items allow. 

There have been a few articles on similar issues, but the subject is largely ignored by mainstream media. 









Also related 

Gilgo beach police https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/dp5nb7/the-strange-rise-and-violent-fall-of-long-islands-dirtiest-police-chief 





"It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand."

~ Apache