A lot of significant material was kept secret from the jury, the public, and even from people directly involved in the murder case. Here is a complex but interesting example.


a) That was at a preliminary hearing examining evidence that might be used later. At that point the prosecutor knew that the judge probably would never see the 'confession' video, and the jury and public would certainly not see it. The 'confession' video shows the translator, a friend of the roommates, mentioning kicks to the victim's head, something shown in crime scene photos but which he, the translator, should not have known about. In the 'confession' Esar Met tries to tell the FBI agent what he seems to be asking him to tell, but he gets the details abysmally wrong. Only the translator got the details right. The medical examiner is not aware of the photos and has not seen the video, and the prosecutor is using that fact to walk the Medical Examiner into suggesting 'blunt force trauma' from a beating.

b) All of the evidence points to the girl having died sometime on Day 2, probably late morning to mid afternoon, but possibly late afternoon. She was injured for a while then killed not long before the body was found. This prevents Esar Met from being the killer, since he is known to have left no later than mid afternoon on day 1, roughly 24 hours before she died, but her injuries point to her dying very quickly after the last attack. In other words she did not die from injuries sustained before Esar Met left. The prosecutor tries to twist this into 'Is it possible she died on the afternoon of day 1?'. Actually it is not possible. The evidence refutes it. But the medical examiner is pandering to the prosecutor and cleverly twists the question in such a way that he can answer 'yes' to the prosecutor's question.

c) Aside from the murkiness of the prosecutor, that clip shows the extent to which a judge, at a preliminary hearing, was willing to go to defy common sense, in order to help the prosecutor twist facts.

That previous audio shows an elaborate process in which the judge, defense and prosecution act together to create a false narrative around those injuries, and the audio is amazing in that it shows each of the three was fully cooperating with the broader goal of misleading the public in order to create a narrative which would prevent exposure of the flaws in the prosecution.

The fiction of a 'defense' trying to use 'the truth' to protect an innocent person is laid bare by examining the actual words of the three and comparing them to the facts.

By the time of trial, the Medical Examiner was fully on board the prosecution and the odd contortions in his testimony are absolutely confusing. The defense lawyer was fully cooperative with the prosecution on the broader issue of fabricating guilt, and as long as he broadly allowed the flagrantly contrived narratives the prosecution needed, the prosecution would allow him 'demonstrations of skill' which would be his payoff.


That particular example, involving the child's asthma condition, is fascinating in how it exposes the dynamics of local authority in that region. The defense lawyer is using basic science to take a zing at the medical examiner, earn some competence points, and the medical examiner is using 'authority' and pure bluster to overpower logic. Unfortunately for the prosecution and the medical examiner there is objective science which was not created locally, in that region, and is not subservient to local control. Any outsider could take this bit of 'scientific testimony', or any of many others from the medical examiner, and simply ask an 'authority' not under local control, for example a medical examiner in another area, to examine the factual content of the testimony.

There are lots more examples, some much more serious, listed below and on subsequent pages.


The media in Salt Lake City were very helpful to the prosecution, both in what they did report, and in what they didn't report.


Notice in that clip that the lawyer is referring to water on the shower stall walls in the context of evaporation i.e., the body was washed several hours or less before it was found, and the medical examiner was referring to water as a factor in cooling the body. The hair, skin and clothing were fully wet, and on a 98 degree body the skin, at least, would have dried quickly if washing was immediately post mortem. The physical evidence, along with this fact, points to her having been killed by kicks to the head in the main basement then washed at least several hours later, after the body had cooled.


These pages will list some of the evidence that was hidden from the public.

Despite what the public was told, there was no DNA from Esar Met at the murder scene. There was only DNA from Hser Ner Moo, roommate #1, and an unidentified male.

Audio clips will be added eventually for each item.

1) One of the roommates, 'roommate #1',  was considered by others in that community to be mentally ill.

One of the roommates volunteered that 'roommate #1' had been sick as a child and that his mind did not work entirely properly. The police and prosecutor flipped this and told the public that Esar Met may have been mentally ill.

Here is roommate #2 referring to roommate #1


Note: the purpose of providing that audio is not to disparage the mentally ill. I am probably in the top 1% of mentally ill people. The point of that audio clip is that 'roommate #1' said something during the initial police interview which required somebody to explain that he had 'mental problems'. As mentioned on another page, the killer has been largely forgiven by those members of that community who know he is the killer, and this website leaves that issue to them. But letting another person who had nothing to do with the death remain in prison is not proper.

Also notice that roommate #2, in that audio clip, is not answering the defense lawyer accurately. She is asking about the initial interview the night the body was found. Roommate #1 was interviewed by the same person who interviewed Esar Met, and it's likely that translator was also used for roommate #2. That person was a friend of roommate #1 and #2 and during the interview refers to roommate #1 by a nickname.


The interviewer mentioned on the audio clip above was not involved in the case during the initial interviews, so could not have conducted the interview with roommate #2.

Another interesting thing is that roommate #2's initial police interview summary has been removed from the police report, and roommate #1's interview summary is odd for its brevity. While roommates # 3 and 4 have lengthy descriptions of their interviews, roommate #1 has only a brief one paragraph summary saying that he doesn't like Esar Met. The roommates used various ethnic slurs or religious references to refer to Esar Met, including 'kalar' and 'Muhammed'.

2) One of the roommates says Esar Met used to visit his girlfriend, and that same roommate went to another apartment, supposedly while the FBI was searching, to get the phone number where Esar Met was.


The FBI agents clearly knew about Esar Met before they entered the apartment, even knew where he was, but they needed to 'capture' him in a way that made it look like everything had been done by SSLPD. The local defense and prosecutors were put in an awkward position by what the FBI was doing. Worse, the arrangement the FBI made with the roommates, a sort of quid pro quo, made it impossible for the Utah legal system to solve the crime properly without exposing what the FBI had done.

3) It was mentioned or suggested several times by various parties in the case, behind closed doors but on the record, that the FBI appeared to be altering certain facts.

This may be expanded later.

4) The roommate who claimed to be the first to return from work on March 31st told police the next day that the front door was locked when he arrived home. When he was questioned some time later he said he didn't know if the door was locked.

Esar Met did not have a key, so the first statement the roommate gave to police indicates somebody else was in the apartment before that roommate, and that person was not Esar Met.

This is one of several aspects of the roommates' stories which were cleaned up for the trial.

5) When the victim's father was interviewed, he was focused on 'roommate #1'.

He referred to the apartment as 'roommate #1's apartment', and both he and people involved in the investigation referred to 'roommate #1 and the roommates'. The father of the victim worked with roommate #1 and knew things which contradicted the narrative told at trial. All of the older people in that community seem to understand what was done, but are not comfortable challenging law enforcement.

6) The victim's father had been to apartment #472 several times.

He said he does not know if his daughter had ever gone there, but he went looking for her there when she went missing. He noticed that her shoes were not near the entrance, so he believed the roommates that she was not there. He had been to that apartment before several times to help the roommates get settled, and to cut their hair.

Most significantly, he went there just a day or two before the murder. If this had come out at the trial it would have forced scrutiny of the suppressed interview, and the FBI would have had to explain many things.

7) Even aside from the 'locked door' issue, there are indications of 'timecard' problems among the people involved.

The prosecutor stumbled around very heavily trying to cover that issue, but he seems to have stumbled a bit too heavily.

It's very likely that some aspect of 'law enforcement' helped roommates adjust their stories to keep this issue secret, but there are some pretty serious contradictions in the stories of the various people whose employment timelines were looked at as part of the investigation.

This seems to have been one of the issues that the FBI was involved in helping cover up, and which was alluded to by various people in this case when they referred to problematic actions by certain FBI agents.

8) The victim's clothing was still wet 40+ hours after Esar Met had left.

The victim had been washed shortly before the FBI agents found the body. This is one of many issues the prosecutor had to try to minimize.

Not too many details were publicized by Utah media about this because it was such a problem for the prosecution. The first people to find the body saw it completely wet, hair, clothes, skin, all washed shortly before.

A crime scene technician took some photographs at 130 in the morning, in other words 6 hours after the body was found, and about 46 hours after Esar Met had left.


By then the clothing was still fully wet and there were still water droplets on the sides of the shower stall. There was no shower curtain.


9) The roommates had previously blamed Hser Ner Moo, or another child, for a trivial mistake they had made, and this caused some tension.

About two months before the death, several weeks before Esar Met arrived in the U.S., one of the roommates had called 911 to report a fire.


Notice line 1062 at 


Notice too how this relates to the previous item, #10 "the victim's clothing was still wet..."


The furnace was located right next to the bathroom, and both the bathroom door and the furnace door were slightly ajar when the FBI agents arrived, so the already low humidity would have been a little bit lower yet, and the sides of the shower stall probably would have dried within several hours. In other words the body was almost certainly washed just shortly before the FBI agents had arrived.

10) There were not a lot of ways the prosecution could make the 'bloody jacket' evidence believable.

This page will have several items concerning the jacket. This one is just the first reference to chain of custody. Chain of custody refers to who has possession of an item and how it is transferred to the next person. For example a piece of evidence might go from police to laboratory back to police then to a second lab, changing hands several times.

When Esar Met was arrested, nobody noticed any blood on his jacket.

When he was being held in the jail, including being searched, nobody noticed any blood on his jacket.

When evidence technicians left the crime scene and went to the jail where Esar Met was, his clothing was removed and taken for processing, but nobody noticed any blood on his jacket.


Then, suddenly, somebody found four blood stains on the back of his jacket, and they were Hser Ner Moo's blood.

As the prosecutor started entering the items as 'exhibits', the defense lawyer noted that there were chain of custody issues that had to be cleaned up.


A few minutes later he made the request again.


Here is the full context of the second clip, which is at about 4 minutes 16 seconds.


A related clip.


The jacket was taken at the jail, then returned to the crime scene and handed to South Salt Lake police, who had a tent at the scene.

That is fine, but a lot of evidence was passed to them that way and is noted in the police report, along with chain of custody documents and DNA results, though the jacket DNA is not mentioned. The South Salt Lake police report has page after page of items logged in, logged out, sent for DNA testing etc, along with the results, but the mysterious jacket does not appear on that paperwork.

11) There are many examples where an outside expert witness could have discredited prosecution evidence, but the defense never hired outside experts.

Bare foot prints were found which were clear enough to distinguish the toes. The first impression of local forensic experts was that the footprints probably were not from Esar Met, but it was a possibility. An outside expert would have clarified that those footprints could not have come from him. Nevertheless, at the trial they were presented as coming from 'him or one of the other roommates'.

12) There are lots of problems with the medical examiners testimony

The medical examiner who conducted the autopsy is widely respected in some parts of Utah.

He appears to have tailored his work to favor the prosecution, and several graphic examples of that will be added later.

The autopsy itself was unnecessarily ghoulish. He removed the brain and pickled it in formaldehyde. He removed all the internal organs and peeled the skin off part of the body, all procedures which did not yield any useful evidence that wasn't already known.

He did not get the most basic health information of the victim, and was unaware she had severe asthma until he was told that 4 years later. Once he learned that he became hostile regarding whether the asthma might have affected any autopsy results.

The time of death was the single most important piece of evidence in the case, since all of the visible factors suggested she had died well after Esar Met left, so it appeared he could not have been the killer. The medical examiner refused for at least four years to make any comment about the time of death. When asked if he could give a very rough estimate, he said he could not, and he was asked if that was not part of his job. Later, at the trial, he gave a vague window that might have allowed Esar Met to be the killer.





People like that, especially those associated with law enforcement, often keep trophies. A person has to wonder what was done with Hser Ner Moo's brain and heart. Her other organs and skin were probably disposed of as medical waste, but where are her brain and heart?

It's crude to raise that issue publicly, but it is much more crude to have done it and hidden it from the family.

Despite his willingness to work with no background or health information in this case, here is testimony he later gave in front of this jury. He claims that part of his job is to collect the information that he did not collect in this case, then he says there is a child death committee which reviews such cases.


In fact in this case there was no investigation to get health information, as is shown in the first set of audio clips, and the only 'review' was the fact that once he finished the autopsy, and said he did not see signs of rape, the assistant district attorney and prosecutor asked another expert to check the body and that expert contradicted his findings.

Some more clips and links.










Notice that cadaveric spasms are often described as including the person grasping something i.e., the body does not relax between grasping and rigor. Hser Ner Moo was grasping hair in her hand when the body was found.


Like all of the other evidence in the case, the significance of this would have to be determined during a real investigation, something that has not been done yet.

13) Utah has had an incredible number of rape/murders of children the same age, 5 to 7 years

All of these cases have in common a series of official efforts to modify evidence to favor prosecution.

One such case is going to get its own page because of a reference made by one of the parties in the Esar Met case.


14) 5 years after the arrest the prosecution still did not have enough DNA evidence for a trial

The judge said she was baffled, so the prosecutor tried to throw up a storm of circular nonsense to confuse her.


a clue "...mumble, mumble, mumble, Sorenson Forensics, mumble, mumble, mumble..."

15) Many prospective jurors reliably should have been expected to vote to convict Esar Met

Among prospective jurors, 11 were selected for the trial, those prospective jurors numbered 1, 9, 12, 14, 18, 19, 24, 29, 30, 41 and 45.

Prospective juror #1 was the wife of the principal at the elementary school where Hser Ner Moo went. She also admitted she was 'sensitive' to graphic evidence.

#9 has a child in kindergarten and a child in grade school. She previously served on a jury in a domestic violence case and that defendant was convicted.

#12 was a volunteer at Big Brothers Big Sisters, and his father worked at the state prison

#14 said she had an inability to look at graphic photos, has a family history of sexual abuse, had a 3 month old and a 4 year old child at the time and admitted she should probably be disqualified. She is the former sister in law of a South Salt Lake police officer, another brother in law works for another police agency, and she had a sister involved in a child abuse case.

#18 says her husband served a year in prison, and she feels it helped him.

When the judge finished discussing number 18 she jumped to number 20, as if the judge did not want to listen to any objections regarding that juror. That was the only juror that the judge did that for during selection. That juror had an infant child at the time. Nobody asked any questions to this juror aside from the initial questionnaire.

#29 has children 3 and 8.

#41 remembered the media coverage and says she was 'shocked and bewildered' that anybody would commit such a crime. She says her husband felt very strongly that Esar Met was guilty.

#45 said he was prone to passing out when he saw graphic displays of blood in the past, and the prosecutor responded by saying he did not expect there would be graphic photos shown at the trial.

Overall, it appears both the prosecution and defense were trying to stack the jury with parents of young children who would react visibly to graphic pictures, something which would sway other jurors towards convicting.

Altogether, the 11 jurors selected for the trial had at least 10 small children about Hser Ner Moo's age.

Among the first 30 prospective jurors, one was a swat team member who helped arrest Esar Met.

16) All court hearings in the Esar Met case before November 20012 have been discarded

The excuse given is that they were discarded because that court does not retain records after a certain period of time i.e., 9 years.

Most of the odd conduct within the Salt Lake legal system in this case occurred in the first four years after the arrest. Those records are not available. A small box could store digital records for all of the United States cases for the past 100 years, so Utah's need to discard hearing records for this case is hard to justify.

17) Initially Esar Met did not trust his lawyers and did not trust the system

He had been eating dinner at his aunt and uncle's when the police asked for his address and said they would come over. Then they kicked down the door and roughed him up. He had no idea at that point what was going on.

An FBI agent and South Salt Lake detective then lied to him and got him to confess to something he did not do, supposedly 'to help the victim's family'.

So it's not surprising he did not trust the system at first.

Later, an elaborate charade was prepared, the guise of solemn hearings and sworn testimony and other things which drew him into trusting that there was integrity behind the process.

Lawyers on both sides used that empty decorum, and the fact that he had been lulled into trusting the people involved, to cooperatively convict him.

In the United States a common phrase is 'Do not trust police'. Many websites that are mainstream tell people 'Do not talk to police'. A person who does not learn that lesson fast enough sometimes gets a second chance, but an immigrant who does not speak English usually will pay a high price for not knowing it.

18) By the time of the trial, the FBI agents had tried to clean up their stories

During the initial search the FBI had everything arranged so that they would heroically solve the crime and everybody would see how they humble deferred to local law enforcement. When they realized they had to cover up their mistakes they scrambled to pump out contradictory versions. But by the time of the trial they had their stories more or less straight, and their only concern was preventing the public from learning too much about the roommate sent out to get Esar Met's phone number. The first witness at the trial was an FBI agent who now remembered that 'roommate #1' was upstairs when agents arrived. The FBI testimony is now in 'long range mode', preparing for the possibility that eventually 'roommate #1' could be exposed as the killer, but still working to convict Esar Met for the moment since that still looks possible.

19) A lot of questions went unanswered at the trial which should have been answered in a basic investigation

For example one SSLPD officer testified that there was a perimeter log which recorded people as the entered and left the SouthPark property. This log would have shown which roommates were home, and when. It would have forced the roommates to answer questions about why they refused to answer their door for about 24 hours while the child was missing. Where is the log? It should have been available to the defense, but it was not. Several hours were wasted at the trial by lawyers trying to do basic investigation which should have been done by the police.

20) Throughout the trial there is an odd game being played between the defense and the prosecution.

Time of death is the key piece of evidence in the case since Esar Met could not have been the killer if Hser Ner Moo had been dead less than 30 hours when she was found.

The medical examiner understands this and wanted to help the prosecution, so he deliberately muddied the waters. But throughout the trial the defense and prosecution prod witnesses to provide some evidence that might help. Because the basic science facts would tend to support the defense, the defense is a bit more aggressive in looking for info.

One interesting example was the questioning of the paramedics who were first called to verify death. One of the paramedics said the victim had been dead for at least an hour, probably at least four hours, and possibly somewhat longer.

Any time of death which fell after the initial search would lead to scrutiny of the search, but any time of death from 0 to 12 hours before the body was found would, or should, lead to a thorough examination of some inconsistencies in the public record of the case, particularly of actions by federal agents, because if she was still alive during the second day then the mixture of incompetence by local police and showboating by federal agents was the only thing that prevented her from being recovered alive.

21) There was a lot of media coverage on Salt Lake news sites, and it heavily favored the prosecution

During jury selection there were many people who said they saw the coverage and believed he was guilty or would not be able to be unbiased.

At the trial there were also a lot of media present.


If you look, on this website, tribalcash, at the recordings from the trial you will notice an interesting thing.

Almost none of the material which favors the defense was reported by the media, while that which favored the prosecution was reported.

And anything that media had put online which was problematic for the prosecution has been removed.


There are exceptions, but they are very rare.


22) 'Kalar' is a word used as a racial slur in Burma




Facebook has even banned the word from its Burmese site


Although the trial is mostly very serious, there are some funny moments, including when a defense lawyer asks the victim's father if his people, i.e., the 'Karen ethnicity', get along with 'the Kalar people'.


Here is a defense lawyer asking the victim's mother if Hser Ner Moo's best friend was 'Kalar'. The gist of the question is sort of like 'Your daughter's best friend was a ni**er, wasn't she. Do you let your children play with ni**ers?'


Though the exchange is funny, it has evidentiary value.

The body was found face down with the underwear placed under the head, in other words the child's face was on top of her own underwear.

Esar Met would not have positioned the body like that, but a rural person from an ethnic group threatened by another group over 'competing space' would have in order to send a message, draw a line in the sand saying 'Do not play with Kalar people'. In the U.S. that kind of ethnic stress is not common at the moment so it passes unnoticed.

23) Both defense and prosecution went to extraordinary lengths to emphasize that law enforcement was the 'authority' over the crime

In any healthy society an offense against an individual has to be resolved to the satisfaction of family members, local laws are built around that primary factor.

In this case the crime and trial took place in an area which is largely led by the Church of Latter Day saints, a well respected Christian sect which is known for having an authoritarian leadership. Members of the church are sometimes forbidden from commenting on certain things without approval from the church, and even from participating in judicial processes without the approval of church leaders.

The first witnesses called in the trial were the FBI agents. Then the police. Then the father of the victim.

Then when the father of the victim was testifying, he was told that he had been helping the police search for his daughter, rather than the other way around.

A much worse facet of this was in the lawyers, from both sides, making it clear that the family's well being was subordinate to the legal process. For example the prosecutor went into great depth trying to get the victim's father to say that the victim washed her hands frequently, which would mean that the DNA the prosecution conjured under the victim's nails was fairly new. The prosecutor asked if she washed her hands after she used the bathroom, and that made the victim's father uncomfortable, so he tried to deflect the conversation to his daughter's use of makeup, and said she would wash her hands after playing with makeup. Of course the father is not going to say "My dead daughter did not wash her hands after using the bathroom", and the prosecutor knew that. Later another lawyer tried to push this again, and he tried to deflect again, by yielding what he thought would be a more interesting piece of information about the girl having hurt her finger on the playground.

The whole case is a long string of law enforcement and the prosecution terrorizing and threatening the victim's family, relatives and friends in order to cover up law enforcement mistakes.

One of the worst offenders was an investigator with the District Attorney's office who started his testimony in a preliminary hearing by mentioning that he teaches other law enforcers how to get information from children. He teaches classes in that. Then he went on to provide the information he had extracted from various people in the case, but it was information that could only be gotten by asking 'leading' questions, and the information was false. Here are two clips of him. He was responsible for investigating the case but evidently he never interviewed Esar Met, he only skimmed the Reid Technique interview. More troubling clips involving him will be added later.



The initial arrest of Esar Met was one of the more obvious examples. His family members at that house had been terrorized in Burma, then they went to Thailand where soldiers often robbed them or beat them. Then they came to the U.S. and some punk thugs playing 'task force' kicked down their door, pointed guns at their family and made it clear they better not make any problems for the prosecution.

24) Both sides in this case make a point of patronizing the victim's family

This solicitousness is normal when professional authority and credibility are at stake, but a careful look at the things both sides did, especially the deliberate abuse and coercion by prosecutors trying to force family members to alter testimony, should raise questions about both motives and results.

Burmese people generally, including both groups involved here, generally try to agree with outsiders who have more power than them, and most of the 'authorities' on both sides of this case took advantage of that to an obscene degree.

A separate page may be made just to list individual examples of this coercion, it would be a very long page.

25) The public was told that the father had knocked on the door, but was not told that the mother had knocked on the door ~2 hours before that

When the victim's mother knocked on the door nobody answered so she went in. At least two of the roommates were present.


26) The focus of the investigation and trial was never on actually finding the real killer

Salt Lake City has a very high number of child murders, specifically of female children between the ages of 5 and 7.

Since at least the 1990s police there have a history of problematic investigations of crimes like that.

The main focus of the Hser Ner Moo murder investigation was to cover up mistakes that were made during the investigation, and portray law enforcement as having been fully engaged in finding a 'brownish' child even though the child was not from their specific ethnic community.

During the search for a previous kidnapped child, Rosie Tapia, the police had been accused of not really investigating the murder with the implication being that their disinterest was based on the family being 'outsiders'. The victim in that case was an Hispanic child. Destiny Norton, another 5 to 7 year old girl, had been murdered just two years before Hser Ner Moo. She was white but lower class, and the investigation was bungled, to put it politely.

Here is a clip from the Esar Met trial, one of dozens of examples of both sides making clear that the purpose of the trial is to help the police image, after all they did use helicopters and a search dog.


The point being not that police did or didn't do their job well, that's a separate issue, but whether the actual focus was on any form of justice, any serious investigation. Step one, for all parties involved on each side of the legal system was to hide their mistakes, and that is what kept Esar Met in jail six years waiting for trial. Step two, ironically, was to redo the image of police as heroic tireless workers for justice.

27) Some of the things the media did to help the prosecution are so extreme they should be illegal

Here is a quote from one news article

"Her hair and skin were wet, as were her clothes, said investigator Brent Marchant, who worked on the case for the medical examiner's office. He guessed the perpetrator had tried to wash her.

"She was very cold," he said, estimating she had been dead for at least 18 hours. "She had been through quite a struggle, a violent struggle." "


There is no mention of what time the testimony referred to, leaving readers with the impression the testimony did not contradict Esar Met as the killer.

28) There are several mysteries surrounding the responses police got during the searches

Police lied about several things to cover up their mistakes, which is fine, but they also tried to hide the fact that there were suspicious responses regarding an apartment very close to #472, an issue which would suggest the occupants of another apartment may have also been involved.

There was a large trash can near the body, indicating it may have been moved, and there were porches in the back of the apartment which 'connected' all the adjacent apartments in a sort of alleyway behind the building.

""They were 100 percent cooperative," Sutera said of the residents, noting all but those in two apartments, including 472, had responded to the officers' knocks at the door."


29) The light in the bathroom was burned out, and there were unopened cleaning supplies outside the bathroom door

The light would have been working when a social worker put Esar Met in the downstairs room 30 days before. Lights usually burn out right when they are turned on, so any time when lights are turned on and off a lot is more likely to be a time when a light bulb will burn out.

The unopened cleaning supplies suggests that somebody got interrupted before they could clean up the scene.

There were footprints outlined when a chemical was sprayed to find trace blood, so the killer cleaned his feet at some point, probably in the shower.

30) One of the witnesses at the preliminary hearing, who made police look especially bad, disappeared and could not be found to testify at the trial

Her daughter was a friend of the victim and she had been the last outside person who knew Hser Ner Moo very well and was known to have seen Hser Ner Moo on the day she disappeared.

Her oldest daughter was born about the same time as Rosie Tapia, another Hispanic girl who was abducted also in Salt Lake City, and she probably was aware of rumors about the police in that case involving their hesitancy to solve that case. Interestingly, there are some very unusual commercial and personnel ties between a company involved in handling evidence in the Rosie Tapia case and several other cases, including that of Hser Ner Moo.


The testimony this woman gave at the preliminary hearing was very problematic because she was the highest credibility witness regarding Hser Ner Moo's movements, and her testimony utterly contradicted the timeline the prosecutor needed to push. Her testimony supported Esar Met's interview testimony that she had stopped by to watch tv before he left for his aunt and uncle's house.

Worse, if her testimony at the hearing was correct then it raises the issue of prosecutors and other people involved in the case trying to alter the testimony of some of the Burmese witnesses, an issue that seems to arise again and again in this case.

The first clip below is the prosecutor, during the trial, trying to enter one of the transcripts of her past testimony as evidence due to the inability to find her. He later mentions that she does not have proper citizenship paperwork and that might have made her unavailable. The last 4 clips are from her testimony at the preliminary hearing before the trial.






Here is a clip of the defense lawyer agreeing to let the prosecutor use a transcript of that person's previous testimony.


Here is a higher level police officer committing brazen perjury, changing her testimony so it fits the police narrative. He changes both the time she saw Hser Ner Moo, now it is 210pm, and the day he spoke to that witness, from day 2, which she testified, to day 1, which makes the police look better.


Here is the police report which was created to cover that testimony. Of course it would have been useless if the witness was able to testify.

This same officer was also the officer present at the autopsy and also the officer who signed various search warrants in the case.

The stipulation mentioned in clip 592 omits all of that witnesses testimony which contradicted the police officer, a blatant dishonesty by the prosecution which the defense agreed to and the judge fed to the jury.

The significance is that the testimony now allows the prosecutor to pretend there was a witness who saw Hser Ner Moo walking towards #472 at 210 pm.

The prosecution was changing so much testimony, either through coercive questioning or tricks like the 'stipulation', that they started to run into obvious contradictions during the trial, such as the fact that the brother was not even awake when the girl disappeared, much less did he see her leave at 2pm.

So much of the evidence has been fiddled with by the prosecution that the case makes no sense at all.

31) While the FBI was searching #472, a neighbor walked into the apartment

This neighbor was an older Burmese boy, a friend of roommate #4, and was arrested and brought to the police station with the four roommates.

Interestingly, when Hser Ner Moo's mother first told her son to look for her, he went first to this person's house. In other words the first guess of Hser Ner Moo's brother about where she would be was at this person's house. He was a more recent Burmese immigrant of Karen ethnicity who did not speak English and was a good friend of the roommate.

32) Utah Jobs

An early media report which implied 'timecard issues' may have been accurate. This is a sensitive issue, but one of the pieces of evidence against roommate #1 which the prosecution took elaborate steps to cover up.

There is nothing wrong with *'certain types of misconduct'* which were covered up with regard to this issue were it not for the fact that a person was put in prison, in part, to avoid publicizing this.

A small amount of money has been spent publicizing various aspects of the case in the past, but if the case remains unfixed by the next time I have a fair amount of money this aspect of the case will be publicized, maybe on billboards in Utah, and it will be in the context of other scenarios which are discussed on another page.

Using the vulnerability of a refugee family to facilitate a coverup of misconduct by law enforcement, and then deliberately imprisoning a person for a crime they did not commit to keep it all hidden from the public will create lots of job openings.






In Progress










"If we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come."

~ Arapaho