In the first half of the last century, among countries with a lot of global influence, Germany stood out as developing a worldview which deviated from the rest of the internationalized 'melting pot'. Their biggest strategic mistake was not letting a local worldview develop in areas they were 'colonizing'. Britain had long since understood that issue, if not others.

Today Turkey is in a comparable position with regard to the 'deviating from the...' etc, but it has shifted to the other side of Germany's mistake, i.e., what was Germany's weakness is Turkey's strength.

Trick shots are clever maneuvers, for example in basketball or pool, but in this case they will be things that 'smart' groups of strategists do to control weaker groups. An obvious example is the necessary consolidation of domestic police in the United States under a federal power. But in order to create a centralized federal police with certain types of artificial authority first it is necessary to get rid of impediments. Sort of like if a surgeon wants to operate on the diseased liver of a person, but the person has a gaping sore in front of the liver on the skin, and the sore is exuding toxic bacteria, the surgeon needs to first remove or 'make harmless' the bacteria exuding sore. 

This page will be a list of media examples showing trick shots that are influential, but have gone over the heads of most people.

1) This is a unique kind of trick shot from within Russia.

"Putin says Russia ready to negotiate over Ukraine" 

At first glance it is trivial, but when combined with the recent exaggerated nuclear posture the message 'from Putin' is that he won't be presiding over the rest of the project. In other words he will be resigning or leaving office if Russia's play in Ukraine will continue. It's entirely possible that he does not know he is going to leave office, one example of why smart people don't hold offices. Also very possible he really does plan a strategic retreat from Ukraine, though less likely. More likely a trick shot from consortiumists in the UK and Russia being clever.

2) Another interesting trick shot from the same general 'easterly' direction. 

Europe is collapsing in both directions, but Eastern Europe is both leading the collapse and building a future recovery which is based on accelerating collapse to its west.

Everybody who sees the plunder available has become a pirate, all within a strict framework of laws and formalities.

The poor deluded geniuses who think they control everything, control nothing.





"The unnatural, that too is natural."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe