The second version of 9/11 is clearly on the horizon.

This page, which will try to document its development and give clues to help anybody watch its progress, involves educated guesses based on easily available information. The group behind this is clever though, to the same extent that their targets are not, and knows that part of their operation is visible to outsiders. Updates will be added to the bottom of this page to reflect that.


At this point it looks likely that the first event will be an attack within the state of Israel, probably around a holocaust forum scheduled there for 1/23/2020.

Soon after that, or at the same time, will be an attack in the United States.


The attack in Israel is likely to involve short range missiles or drones, it's not clear yet what will likely be used in the United States, it will probably be a decisive weapon which plays heavily on the public imagination.

The overall start of the event is likely to appear similar to the first 9/11 to a lot of people, but there are some important differences.

1) The first 9/11 appeared to many people to be a ham handed plot by Israel. Although criticizing the state of Israel is discouraged in western media and rare among top western politicians, the common street sentiment is that Israel was involved.

There followed some suspicion in some quarters that Israeli 'involvement' in the first 9/11 was part of a very complicated strategic play by some third party, an attempt to walk the state of Israel into a massive trap, incorporating a few Israelis to 'lead' that state into the trap.

This event, 9/11 2.0, will lead to at least a dramatic weakening, and probably the destruction of, the state of Israel. As with the first 9/11, this one will initially have compelling evidence of Israeli involvement i.e., some low level Israelis and Israeli companies which appear to have arranged and benefitted from the operation. There will almost certainly be a handful of Israelis who will be  'captured' by some respected power and will convince people that 'they' were the originators of the attack. These Israelis will be convincing because they will actually believe that they initiated their part of the attack. They will be telling what they believe to be 'the truth'.

2) One of many traps set for Israel involves the wildly profitable Iron Dome anti missile system. This was presented to a group of well connected people as an easy way to make a lot of money.

Various Raytheon and Lockheed products are among the main U.S. versions that will eventually be comparably funded.

Obviously if a group of even the most modest potential wanted to bomb any modern city outside an active war zone they would deliver the weapon by car or truck, so anti missile defenses are of no use against large groups.

Initially, after the first attack in Israel, there will be an aggressive push for a vast increase in funding for Iron Dome. The project is already familiar to military sponsors and a dramatic increase in foreign funding is likely soon after the first attack in Israel.

The general context of 'iron dome', and anti missile systems in other countries, is similar to the context of global oil markets and there is substantial overlap amongst the individuals involved.

3) The attack in the United States will be designed specifically to distance Israeli political interests from evangelical popular interests, i.e., to alienate evangelicals from Israel. It isn't clear how this will be done, but it will be in some way that makes use of the difference in styles of communication and 'memes' between the two groups.

Evangelicals and Israelis each use the backgrounds of their respective groups to create a sort of discreet grapevine which allows the communication of information to stakeholders in a public channel that bypasses non stakeholders.

The attack in the United States is likely to have the effect of weakening evangelical support for Israel, while at the same time giving Israelis the impression that the opposite has occurred.

4) The overall progression of the plan is visible to a lot of strategic players in many countries. It is widely visible that strategic interests around the world do not expect the state of Israel to exist much longer.

5) The timeframe between when the operation starts unfolding and when it completes is unclear, but it could be very rapid. A number of cyclic events, including a severe global economic contraction, have been postponed to make the outcome of this chain more certain. That specific example, a severe global contraction, will enable authoritarian rule in many or most regions of the world, using reliable structures and people that are already in place.

This may start as 'freedom protests', but the enhanced effects of the cyclical economic slowdown will quickly prioritize economic factors and most national groups are likely to quickly support authoritarian rule after the initial financial shock and social unrest.

6) Many aspects of this chain of events are visible to many people, and various groups are anticipating an outcome based on their own understanding of what is visible to them. The accuracy of a specific view or analysis is dependent on many factors. This website provides an overview of tribal factors within the context of another issue, and people who imagine they have an objective, or better subjective, understanding of what is developing should first examine the context presented here. Very few of the 'participants' in this unfolding event are in the position they believe themselves to be in.

7) The strategic origin of the endgame that is developing involve the interests of a tribal entity in Eastern Europe which is closely related to a group of Eastern European Jews. Most likely those Eastern European Jews are a splinter group which separated from that tribe some time in the past.

8) The vulnerability of that Jewish splinter Eastern European group, and by extension their wider interests and those of allied Jewish groups, to traps set by the unknown Eastern European tribe, is derived from a type of logical fallacy or irrational interpretation that could be called 'realm confusion'.

'Realm confusion' refers to an inaccurate understanding of the hierarchy within which various realms relate.

For example in the popular taxonomy of western biology life forms are categorized from kingdom to species, with a progressive narrowing or specificity. If there is one mistake in the hierarchy it will make the understanding of everything below that mistake inaccurate. For example if an animal is placed in the wrong phylum it will have the effect of misdirecting various related sciences.

The more distorted, distant from reality, one person's, or group's, inaccurate understanding of that trivial concept 'phylum' is, relative to kingdom, order, class etc in that taxonomy, the more vulnerable that individual or group will be to mischief by others who are aware of the mistake.

The simple preventive remedy, what has evolved naturally over time, is a set of ethical rules within which tribes operate with regard to neighbors. The fact that the state of Israel has not practiced this preventive remedy has made it vulnerable to this kind of sophisticated attack. In other words the state of Israel, like all states, has some national 'ethics' it tries to project, but those ethics have not included the basic survival ethics most tribal entities with political power use.

In this case the 'realm confusion' refers to a confusion about the relative positions of 'religion' and 'tribal affiliation' in the hierarchy of political association.

The Eastern European tribal group, as yet unidentifiable, has remained loyal to tribal interests. It has survived til now as a tribal entity, so a person can guess it has 'learned' in collective terms, tribal terms, this survival fact.

The Jewish splinter group, now a subset of 'Judaism', has shifted its tribal alliance somewhat by affiliating politically with 'outside interests' which minimize its original tribal origin. Further the splinter itself has several factions. This strengthens the 'philosophical' part of this splinter group but makes it more vulnerable to outside political threats. The net result for 'Israeli nationalists' has been a subset of their 'melting pot tribe' which strengthens it but also makes it less viable as a political entity.

In other words 'the state of Israel' is not a viable melting pot entity to the extent they negate the tribal origins of their component groups, but if they acknowledge those origins then they must admit that they are more 'a society of like minded practitioners of a discipline' rather than a tribal entity.

The paradox seems to have been visible to people like Ben Gurion who probably imagined a solution would be found before too late.

So far, every effort by Israeli nationalists to solve the paradox has involved the use of ever higher levels of tools that contradict the previously mentioned 'survival ethic' that authentic tribes develop. The Israeli response to that would be to pretend that a European Jew is part of the 'tribal entity' originating in Palestine.

All sorts of complex scientific games can be played, but at this point it is quite clear that they will be played in the political graveyard.

A vast, immediate, political retreat by the state of Israel might extend its political survivability, but the other factors mentioned have built into a vast tsunami that would require such political, financial and other concessions that at this point few Israeli nationalists would agree voluntarily. What remains is a war, the scope of which will be decided by tribal interests who have the most to benefit by eliminating what, to them, is a competing 'tribal melting pot.

To clarify that, here are both the accurate and inaccurate hierarchies.



Top / Tribal

Second / spiritual

Third / religious, doctrinal etc 

Fourth / political etc


Top / political

Second / religious, doctrinal etc

Third / tribal



The tendency of melting pots to use 'realm confusion' as a justification or means of conquest seems to have reached its maximum absurdity with the state of Israel. A group of European Jews, people of European descent, who realized the practical benefits of a specific discipline, then used their association with that discipline to claim tribal rights belonging to the originator of that discipline in another region.

'Practical benefits' refers to increased survivability amongst practitioners of certain disciplines, e.g. dietary restrictions etc. Although it may be associated with a specific tribe, it is not 'proprietary'. Any member of one tribe can experiment with any discipline from another tribe without 'changing tribes'. The problem arises with the fallacy that practicing the discipline of another tribe causes one to become a member of that tribe. This fallacy has developed to an absurd degree around the world and has led to other pan tribal religious groups like Christianity and Islam creating macro versions of the tribal confusion that this page discusses.

This issue is further confused by the specific means by which the discipline was introduced to that European group. 

There is an attempt to claim tribal affiliation by virtue of descent i.e., the claim that a group of the originators of Judaism are the tribal founders of all descendants, male and female, of their adherents.

Whether or not this is valid requires an examination of a) what constitutes 'survivability' in a tribe, and b) whether the disciplines associated with a religious practice affect tribal survivability.

There have been a number of human tribes that have gone extinct.

In this context it's important to keep in mind that extinction of a tribe implies certain things genetically. Because there is a difference in the amount of information transferred genetically to men vs to women, the extinction of a tribe i.e., all a tribes men and women, will have different implications for men and for women.




 In Progress





Some related links













"It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand."

~ Apache