This is a melting pot archetype that has evolved recently.

In the past racists have been perceived as being against specific races, against change etc. In the recent past, racists who have faced pressure from 'progressives' have shifted to 'defending their race' rather than attacking another race, mostly out of practicality. ;"

As more people understand the importance of discouraging the 'melting pot' mentality that has devastated so many groups, the defensive racists should find themselves aligned with a more progressive group of nouveau racists who don't have anything against any other groups. 

Nouveau racism is the same as old world progressive resistance to assimilation, but because of all the harm done by conventional racism, and the melting pot reactions which caused even more harm, it may be better to articulate a new type of progressive discrimination. 


Another way to look at this is to take the side of reactionary nationalists, white supremacists, etc. 

Anybody can see the flaw in their arguments, but there is, as always, another side to it. 

'Nationalists' who argue 'against' refugees etc are taking the position that 'diversity' should be preserved, and races kept separate.

They argue 'such and such white country for white people, and such and such black country for black people, etc'.

The speech and tactics that lead them to be defined as reactionary make it clear that their ideas are descended from 'slaveholder' types though, and not from any philosophical attachment to diversity or the integrity of their group. In other words they are not some 'indigenous white tradition trying to preserve itself'. Rather they are opportunistically trying to minimize the cost of past profits they have reaped.

They are like a customer who has taken possession of some merchandise they bought on credit but have not paid off, and now realizes they have the upper hand in renegotiating the price, but they lack the sense to see the problem with renegotiating the price after the fact. 

Very few of the people who eagerly pillaged indigenous societies did it with the thought that eventually their 'domestic human pets' would learn the local language, dress well, study etc and become on par with the established crew. 

So where, on the melting pot spectrum do these people fall, and what should be done with them? 

They, or their philosophical ancestors, played their role in history. They are generally vilified at the moment, but just as slaveholders existed, so too do extreme nationalists defending a fictional nation, a fictional tribe.

When slavery ended, the slaves, as inconvenient as they may have been to the 'status quo', were not minimized, nobody pretended they didn't exist, and likewise people shouldn't imagine reactionary extremists don't exist. Their beliefs and prejudices, though not rooted in the interests of any real society, do make a good foundation for the restoration of indigenous rights and space, including their own. The dilemma is in helping them understand where they are in fact indigenous to. A white person defending his European cultural indigenousness to North America is bumping against facts. It must be made clear who is actually indigenous to an area.

So the nouveau racist, who supports indigenous societies on numerous grounds including basic ethics, should promote the philosophy but not the tactics of reactionary nationalists whose motive is inferior, an ambition or fear. As things go, of course, there is little danger in reactionary types as long as they are not marginalized nor minimized. 


The era of the melting pot should give way now to restoring traditional societies, even if that means the conquerors will have a little less control and power over the “primitive” provincials. 


~In Progress~ 



When people are focused on a melting pot it is considered necessary to see every culture as worth respecting, as long as those cultures conforms to whatever the politics of the day are. A different culture is seen as a sort of wayward child that just needs a little beating or incentive to conform to "the true culture" of the 'nation'. 

The problem with this is that it focuses on commonalities, similarities between cultures, "everybody bleeds red" or "we all need food" or whatever. 

In fact very few people have even a modest sense of the difference between any two cultures. People tend to use a common language to communicate across a culture and focus on similarities to avoid conflict. 


In Western society the pinnacle of studying the mind, how the world is interpreted, is analytical psychology. That is a science that usually refers to symbols etc to make its points. Freud tried to develop it to some extent but may have overreached, as a pioneer. Jung and others were more rigorously scientific, but for most people it still comes across as hocus pocus. Only a very few popular authors have managed to attract readers by explaining analytical psychology.  


An acquaintance of mine, "AA", is a Native man born in the late 1940s. He fished with his family as a child, until he was sent to a boarding school in another state in order to be 'educated'. The old boarding schools were famous for abuse and for forcing children to learn English and forget their original language. 

AA went to the boarding school, learned how to read and write, then came back to his home state where, like many conquered people, he drank a lot and didn't thrive. At some point, while drinking, he was severely injured in an accident involving a truck. 

In most cultures when subconscious content bubbles to the surface, in the form of hallucinations for example, there is a sense that the material has some use, it reflects something hidden, and should be studied. In Western society it is called a severe illness and leads to medication. 

At some point AA told somebody that he heard voices and he was launched into the U.S. healthcare system. Today he takes perhaps two dozen pills a day for various things the doctors imagine he has. Further, he is considered 'developmentally disabled' and his employment was limited to many years as a janitor, until he recently retired. 

~Two relevant questions are 1) Is he 'schizophrenic, as diagnosed?', and 2) 'Is he developmentally disabled, as diagnosed?'~

Having known him for quite a few years, my belief is that he is neither 'schizophrenic' nor 'developmentally disabled'. 

At some point, I'll try to make a short video interviewing him, linked to this page, and will try to show that he does not have any illness, aside from being 'utterly from a different culture'. french


Anthony Arevalos was a San Diego cop convicted of sexual misconduct with numerous victims.

He was convicted in 2011 and some of the victims received settlements.

As the city was trying to defend itself against lawsuits, it accused one of his victims of 'bribing' him by giving him panties.

He was jailed for a while, then quietly released in 2016.

Obviously he got much less punishment than a non cop would have gotten. 

Can San Diego look forward to brighter days ahead? 

"Henry Hubbard Jr., a 30-year-old “supercop,” was viewed as exactly the kind of officer capable of capturing the rapist who had been terrorizing San Diego for months. A former minor-league baseball player for the San Diego Padres, he starred in a local TV documentary, The Making of a Cop, in 1987. "

Uhm, 'Supercop' Hebert Hubbard eventually got fired as a cop about 26 years ago for being that serial rapist. According to an latimes article written in 1992...

"With 360 days already served and 180 days credit for good behavior, Hubbard will serve at least another 27 1/2 years in state prison."

Uhm August 11 1992 + 27.5 years = February 2020. 

Is that unique to one big city in California? 

Monica Cedillo wanted her daughter to have good role models, so she got a job as a dispatcher for the Oakland police department

Numerous police officers from the Oakland area then had sex with her underage daughter, coaching her on how to be a prostitute, even giving her a heads up when they were going to arrest prostitutes in an area where she might be. 

The first reports said only one officer had sex with her. Then it was reported as three. Then "at least a dozen". Then two dozen. 

Then 30+

Most of those police officers have not been named publicly yet. Were they an isolated group, acting in secrecy? 

The Oakland police department was under federal oversight at the time and was applying to have oversight removed. The federal overseers covered themselves carefully after the fact.

"...announced that Oakland Police Chief Sean Whent had resigned for “personal reasons.” But the Express, relying on police sources, revealed that Whent was actually fired for mishandling the sexual misconduct investigation. According to the Express, Whent’s wife had communicated with Guap on Facebook, and both she and Whent knew that Oakland officers were having sex with Guap months before the OPD’s internal affairs division opened an investigation—but took no action. When Oakland federal monitor Robert Warshaw caught wind of this back in March, he ordered the officers investigating the case to report directly to him, and not Whent."

In fact, it is safe to say that in addition to the roughly 30 police officers from various departments who were having sex with the girl, probably hundreds of police officers were aware of what was going on and did and said nothing. 

The obvious question arises, how do you assemble a group of people with such a consistently low standard? 

There is, very rarely, the occasional Serpico or Huff, but in almost every case ultimately the complaining officer is removed from his or her police job and the accused officers are exonerated

In every other occupation there are numerous people who step up and try to clean the filth, but among police officers any individual who steps up, like a Serpico, is usually dealt with quickly




Sometimes police do lose their jobs though, one example 


Kyle Scarber was a high level California Highway Patrol cop. He was successful in his job, until his son was accused of a violent rape. He was then given a pension of $125,000 a year.

He helped his son escape to Mexico, and got sentenced to probation for that. His son went to prison for a long time.

There seem to be a lot of unanswered questions in the case, and in the past police have given themselves the benefit of the doubt when there were questions.

In this case, like a lot of cases, it's hard to know for sure what the actual truth is. Was the rape victim actually in a relationship with the rapist? Was there a political element to the trial? 

"A CHP internal affairs memo about Kyle Scarber said the victim indicated she would recant her testimony because she was being intimidated by the Scarbers".

Whatever the truth is, as more and more cops, and their families, start losing the immunity that police have long had, there will be more and more pressure to civilize the legal system.




~~~In progress~~~

Arctic Natives may have used oil for centuries before colonizers, but at the rate Natives used oil, it would have lasted for millions of years.

"To keep warm and to cook with, the Eskimo was burning hunks of dark stuff he just picked up on the ground all around his tent. This was oil from seepage under the tundra. The Eskimos had always known about the oil, long before there was any drilling for it."

Today, after decades of oil extraction by large multinational corporations, the massive Prudhoe Bay oil field and many others oil fields that were in Native areas have had most of their oil drained.

Canada has even more oil than the United States and still hasn't figured out how to easily keep it from empowering indigenous tribes.



An interesting conspiracyish Jeffrey Epstein video at mentions DynCorp around the 16 minute point. DynCorp is a transnational security company that has a long history of lower level employees being prosecuted for sex trafficking, and high level employees not being prosecuted. DynCorp is also involved in security for the oil industry.

That video connects Epstein to Israel's spy service as well as similar groups, but an important distinction is that often corporations, spy services, etc are used by high level individual employees for their own pleasure, and spy agencies are especially prone to that. 

Very similar is the supposed "Alaska corruption investigation" by an agency of the U.S. government. A group of federal agents used their access to vast government resources to have years long parties. When their game was at risk of being exposed they made use of their vast resources to concoct an elaborate investigative history. 


Alaska's rapid oil development was cutting edge skulduggery in the 1970s, but those techniques developed into more sophisticated operations as the public became more savvy.

The development of 'for profit' resources in areas where Natives live has always been where cutting edge subversion of local interests, in favor of corporate and government power, occurs.

June 1967 Israel defeats various Arab armies, humiliating Nasser and other Arab leaders.

1967 to 1970 The War of Attrition involving Egypt, Jordan, the PLO and Israel.

October 1972  Hale Boggs and Nick Begich and two others are on a plane that disappeared. They are later presumed dead.

January 23 1973 "Shah of Iran announces that the 1954 operating agreement between a consortium of oil companies and Iran will not be renewed when it expires in 1979. The consortium was formed in 1954 as a means to settle a dispute between a new ministry in Iran and the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC). The consortium included Standard Oil of New Jersey, Standard Oil of California, SOCONY-Vacuum, the Texas Company, Gulf, Royal Dutch-Shell, the Compagnie Francaise de Petroles, and the AIOC."

Late September 1973 Henry Kissinger requests an emergency high level meeting with Israeli government representatives and tells them the U.S. has absolute certainty that Arab armies will attack on October 6th.

October 1973 Despite overwhelming intelligence indicating an attack, Israel demobilized troops and relaxes its defenses. Arab armies fight another war, more successful this time, and restore Arab pride. Anwar Sadat is Egypt Prime Minister. Following the war Israeli leaders would pretend to investigate how they were 'surprised' by the attack. Within a few years rumors started that Israel had arranged for Sadat to know reliably that Israeli defenses would be relaxed.

October 1973  Arab states announce an oil embargo against the United States and other countries seen as supporting their enemy. The price of oil in the United States skyrockets and effects on the economy are clearly felt. 

Early 1974 Construction begins on the Alaska Pipeline

Late 1960s / early 1970s  Bill Allen, a central figure later on in 'behind the scenes' development of the oil industry, is involved in some criminal activity that ultimately leads to a high level pardon. The specifics are partially available in hard copy newspapers but so far not available easily on the internet. 

Mid 1970s Lebanon, which had been 'the Switzerland of the Middle East' at one time decays into chaos.

Early to mid 1970s through 1990s Bill Allen has a close relationship with the federal agency which arranged his pardon. The evidence suggests that Allen, along with these federal agents, were involved more in 'party activities' than in anything involving the law. 

November 1977 Sadat visits Israel, followed by the Camp David Accords. Israeli leaders would pretend to be 'savages' impressed by the 'peaceful, civilized' Sadat. Although the ruse was generally successful, part of the motive for making it convincing was the fact that many Israelis died in the 1973 war. Whatever Israeli government is in power when the full details are disclosed will likely lose power, and Israeli society will go through a period of 'anti nationalist' turmoil.

September 1982 Sabra and Shatila massacre. A large number of civilians are massacred by an Israeli controlled militia. The incident is widely reported in the U.S. press and has a substantial effect on the perception of Israel in the U.S. 

October 23, 1983 A massive blast kills over 200 U.S. military personnel in Lebanon.

October 24, 1983 U.S. President Ronald Reagan insists U.S. troops will remain in Lebanon.

February 7, 1984 U.S. President Ronald Reagan orders U.S. troops to begin withdrawing from Lebanon. 

Mid 1980s Iran Contra. A number of 'high level' people from the governments of the U.S. and several allies are caught moving cocaine and weapons in Central America. Many of the people involved have previously operated in Iran and used "extending the Iran Iraq war" as part of the rationale for their operation, which was financially 'necessary' for U.S. oil companies as it kept oil supplies limited.

March 8, 1985 A car bomb attributed to the U.S. government detonates in Beirut killing about 80 people.

A CIA link to the bombing was uncovered quickly, but it would not be until William Casey's death that the public would learn that the director of the CIA had arranged and authorized the bombing,

"It killed worshippers, mostly women and girls, leaving Friday prayer services at an adjacent mosque, and destroyed two 7-story apartment buildings and a cinema."

1990s Bill Allen is caught various times by various agencies in activities involving underage girls he paid for sex. Each time, his federal friends get local police to drop the charges. 

June 25, 1996 Khobar Towers bombing near the administrative area for Saudi oil production. A convoluted investigation eventually determines that various foreign powers are responsible.

2003  Two headless torsos wash up near a house where Bill Allen entertained "potential criminal investigation targets" with parties. The evidence suggests that some kind of federal agents were involved in these parties and were probably involved in the murders. 

May 29, 2004 Khobar Massacre. Some details of the attack are disputed.

"Saudi security forces have been criticized for allowing the perpetrators to move freely from one target to another as late as five hours into the attack, to eat and sleep at the hotel and to give an interview to al-Jazeera television over the phone during their operation."

Around 2005 there were signs that corruption involving some of the people involved in investigating U.S. oil industry corruption might become public. Various agencies launched a sort of counterattack, suggesting that they in fact were the ones investigating corruption. They suggested that their investigation had been going on a long time, but they just hadn't wrapped it up yet. 

2005 The Energy Policy Act of 2005 directed the Department of Energy and the Department of the Interior to begin a program of leasing federal land for commercial oil shale production.

October 2008  Ted Stevens indicted, convicted and later has his conviction overturned

October 2009 Bill Allen is sentenced to 3 years, in what looks like an attempt by law enforcement to camouflage the fact that he had been working for them.

August 2010 Ted Stevens dies in a plane crash

January 2016 A new 'terrorist' group, the Niger Delta Avengers is created by the oil industry, with the support of many governments, in the Niger Delta. The U.S. is expected to be a net oil exporter soon and the United States oil industry would collapse unless the government found a way to keep oil prices high. The internet is making it more difficult for governments and the oil industry to create fictional terrorist groups in isolated areas, but it is still easy to whip up rural groups in some countries into becoming 'terrorists'.

Currently Oil production in the U.S. is skyrocketing, largely because of shale oil development. There are growing political efforts to pressure Venezuela, Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, Libya and other large oil exporters to limit production so the Oil Consortium can profit from increased production.

~~This page is not complete. Eventually the timeline will be connected to another page to show in context how and why indigenous interests in Alaska were quashed. 



 From the American Justice page 

~When local police commit a crime there is always some chance that another police agency, usually a federal agency, will pursue justice. But when federal agents are involved in crimes like murder there is usually nobody who is capable of bringing them to justice. In that last case, involving two headless torsos discovered near a residence where a powerful Alaskan used to hold parties, there have long been rumors that a small group of federal agents was directly involved in various events, and used a so called "investigation" as cover for years long misdeeds which were covered up with numerous crimes and odd coincidences. Even federal agents on the periphery of those crimes were implicated in milder misdeeds and appear to have "cooperated" with various cover ups.

~Links used~


 ~~~~~Dakota Access~~~~~

In Progress!date=2019-10-01_18:37:16!






"It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand."

~ Apache