As offensive as the destruction of indigenous sciences is the attempt to coopt or hijack them into subsets of melting pot science. This always occurs with a fake aura of 'look how we are trying to respect you even though we conquered you and control you.' 

The subtext is 'You are a conquered people without sovereignty, but as long as you remain obedient we will value what we take from you.'


A lot of things have been lost already to cultures extinguished.

Language almost always has a key part in communicating the substance of local sciences, and the information typically becomes unavailable when the language is lost, it no longer transfers to new people.

Each culture develops its own sciences when it is isolated.

Many people are aware of some examples from popular culture. Here are a few.

The Tibetan people are naturally isolated by high mountains and have developed many complicated sciences around the effects of sounds, including syllables. Their study has created a vast body of information that only a few outsiders have studied, e.g. Anagarika Govinda. This is a well known example because that group also was popular with western political interests and tourists as Asia became more accessible to the west.

The people of the Marshall Islands developed a way to identify faraway land masses by looking at waves. They navigated using this sense, but exactly how they do it isn't clear. Their history, like the Tibetans', is one of bouncing between competing political interests who are willing to sacrifice them for some "greater cause" that involves benefiting one outside group against another. 

The Marshallese are also known for their chants. Only twice in my life have I heard a chant that was unusually powerful. Once was a monk on the Ganges river, the other was a Marshallese islander. There is no comparable 'popular music' equivalent.

 There are many examples of things that we know have been lost, but which sciences were lost that we don't know about?

Both of these languages, Tibetan and Marshallese, still exist, but the groups have been forced into retreat by stronger military powers.

This has resulted in the cultures starting a retreat towards assimilation which involves eliminating or hiding their sciences. In other words they 'surrender', they assimilate, but they return any treasures they had to nature so smarter people in the future, people who study history, will learn something. It is sort of like some animals that, when faced with capture, will perform elaborate acts that appear spontaneous but whose purpose is to distract the attacker from something else the animal is guarding.





The platypus is an animal that has diverged a bit from most mammals, many of its recent ancestors' descendants are extinct.

It is interesting on a number of accounts. It lays eggs, which most mammals do not. It also has a developed electromagnetic sense, which is unusual in mammals.

Senses can be qualified by their complexity. For example, there are worms that can sense between hot and cold. That is a basic +/- sense, it has two variables. Something or some direction is either colder or hotter.

If you put the various senses available to creatures, seeing, hearing, etc on a spectrum, hot vs cold would be at the simpler end of the spectrum and developed electromagnetic senses near the other extreme. Hearing and seeing would be in the middle. 

Development of an electromagnetic sense can be deduced as having been rapid in those mammals, and as having a significant effect on their survivability. They developed complex collections of neurons in a short time, specialized to that sense's use.

Humans, likewise, develop comparable features or senses when isolated. The existence of developing senses can be deduced in isolated populations.

The problem that arises is that these features, or senses, serve a number of purposes, including a feature analogous to language. When two human populations intersect and merge only the features of the dominant society remain. The result is vestigial remnants in the merged population, including for example vestigial organs, whose use the merged population has been trained to avoid. 

There are Australian aborigines for example who can be deduced to have access to a sense, in very recent history, that is not accessible to other humans. That sense will only live if that nearly extinct group of aboriginals survives as an isolated population. The island of Australia, which has produced both animals and humans with unusual characteristics is not alone in that, in fact such unusual valuable things can disappear, or be found, all around the world.


Unfortunately for melting potters, Darwin and DNA are among their worst enemies.

When a group has evolved, or has started to evolve, a unique adaptive ability or sense, and that group then 'loses' to a conqueror or colonial group, that adaptation becomes recessive.

This fact can be not only deduced through common sense, but observed indirectly in animals and human groups. In fact it is one of the things at the core of evolution. 

You do not see an even gap between species that diverge. In other words the various animals, or amphibians, or frogs, or bullfrogs that exist do not create a smooth overlap. The bullfrog will evolve in such a way as to fill its entire niche, and subgroups will evolve to fill a new niche. Once a subgroup has differentiated there is typically a geographic range within which it can adapt. For example it can breed with another member of the subgroup within 50 miles say, but not one 500 miles away. The one 500 miles away likewise.

If you were to take the bullfrog and breed it with another bullfrog 50 miles away, and take one 50 miles away and breed it with one 100 miles away, on and on until you had 'merged' the geographic diversity back into one species, and then 'compete' that 'unified' species with the various subgroups, it would lead to something like the current human situation. The smaller subgroups that survive isolated will have a long term advantage if they survive, but the 'melting pot bullfrogs' have a short term advantage in genetic diversity etc.

Every species has a paradoxical line between 'beneficial genetic diversity' and 'terminal diversity'. For example mixing a horse and donkey creates a mule or hinny, terminal diversity, but mixing a horse of one breed with a horse of another breed usually increases genetic strength and gives the offspring new diversity, for the reason that horse populations are not that high. Horses went extinct in North America and there is not some massive reservoir of wild horses somewhere sufficient for them to evolve adequately on their own. Their species has basically been 'conquered' and their evolution managed according to what creates a cute horse or a fast horse or whatever.

A horse has 64 chromosomes, a donkey 62, and their offspring 63.

A person should be able to deduce certain things. For example if you see storm clouds and there is a heavy sheet of rain approaching then you should be able to deduce it will probably rain in your location soon.

Likewise, the evolution of a horse and donkey, their divergence from a common ancestor, created a certain distance between them. That distance was such that although they can produce offspring, 'some' factor in nature discourages it. Likewise in the other direction, two horses or donkeys that are two closely related can produce offspring but nature discourages it, in that case with often crippling mutations.

Those are the extremes, but what about human diversity?

Humans that are a mix of several differentiated groups i.e., melting pot humans, have advantages and disadvantages. They have greater genetic diversity, but a resistance to developing any of the 'undeveloped' or 'pending' adaptations their pre melting pot forbears almost had.

Because the first genetic contact with most 'isolated tribes' takes the form of rape, there is initially a heavy mix of male 'colonizer' and female 'colonized' added to the gene pool. These children will have a dominant female gene that discourages a beneficial mutation, in other words something like a recessive genetic disease that will appear among descendants of two such females, whether  those descendants are male or female. When the other half starts, colonizer females mating with colonized males, the pattern is cemented.

If you look at a chart that shows ABO blood type possibilities for children you see four, or a multiple of four, possibilities for both parents, and then which among those possibilities are possible for their children.

Here is an example of that chart from Wikipedia.

In this case you have an adaptation that has four variations, and each male and each female has each of the four variations, as will their children, male and female.

However suppose that at the evolutionary moment that trait developed in part of the population, the moment that 'an original blood type' diverged into two or more ABO types, that human group with the nascent ABO types attacked, or was attacked by, another group.

At that point, you would have a) 'an original population' in which ABO was developing, and b) a new population in which ABO was a very recessive sex linked trait that was naturally discouraged.

This would increase the divergence and eventually lead to either a) only one surviving species or b) two distinct species. Because the two groups compete for a similar niche, of course only one usually survives, but potentially if both survived it would increase divergence and lead to the ABO group having an advantage in environments where ABO is advantageous, and the other group likewise in a non ABO environment.

For contrast look at the sections on neoteny and regeneration at 

So, back to modern humans, there are a) melting pot mixes, which are now resistant to any number of adaptations that were developing, i.e., the more distant the new DNA the more problematic for the melting pot, and b) many isolated human groups which had begun the process of divergence.

The main calculation, in practical terms, should be 'how much space is there?' In other words if humans were a population with permanently limited space then it would be best to favor the most adaptive subgroup and shred the other groups, including the melting potters.

Humans are on the verge of space travel though, and there is a possibility of 'living space' increasing dramatically soon.

So the best calculation involves a) the best option to increase the success of space travel and b) if space travel does increase living space the best decision to preserve the divergences that have begun over the past tens of thousands of years, in other words to maintain the isolation of tribes, while also maintaining the 'melting potters' as a separate federating divergence.

The first issue 'the best option to increase the success of space travel' favors geographic isolation of indigenous groups on earth, and continued separation by group in space, though there should be a federating 'melting pot' population too. That is discussed elsewhere on this website. This has to do with how best to develop sciences, and involves things like the diversity of paradigms that evolve with geographic isolation of groups, as relates to artificial intelligence etc.

The second issue, how to 'preserve the divergences that have begun over the past tens of thousands of years' is something for a sci fi website. It would involve letting each subgroup evolve adaptations for space. Indigenous groups that have been isolated evolve fastest, and maybe they could be used as genetic reservoirs for traits necessary in some aspect of space travel. As mentioned above though, that would have to not occur as an unbalanced type genetic attack e.g. colonizing rape, but rather in some way that transferred the nascent new genes to the 'melting pot'. At the same time, the Frankenstein genetic manipulation mentality of scientists today would have to be avoided. The solution would probably be some variation of monogamous coupling within an environment that favored the development of the trait.





~In Progress 

Aaron Swartz / Namecoin


Endangered Language Lists 


Altcoin Basics 



Here will be added occasional links from the news that are interesting. Aftermath is described at





Mazacoin is a coin made in the first wave of cryptocurrencies to be used as a currency for indigenous peoples.

My personal opinion is that Natives of tribes who have languages that are still alive would benefit more from having their own currencies. 

Mzc Mazacoin was made by a Native guy, Payu Harris, and is a strong currency with a lot of supporters, and there is little doubt that it has its place as a currency in the Americas. Payu, from everything I know and have researched, is a solid person to run that coin and serve as a sort of hub for indigenous currencies. I would suggest to any indigenous currency starting up to contact him and discuss issues.

But, there are problems with using Mazacoin as the only currency. Among the problems

a) Languages are supported by economies. The dollar dissuades younger people from learning their language, and Mazacoin would do the same. It may not have the crushing effect that the dollar has had, extincting numerous languages, but it would not have the positive effect of a currency built around a specific language.

b) Distribution of Mazacoin is poor for a Native economy. Most of the large Maza holders are probably white, and if Maza became a threat to a wealthy party or person, it would be a simple matter to take control of the Maza economy through force. A local coin, controlled down to the wallet level locally would not have that weakness.

c) Payu's focus was evidently on making a fair coin. He tried to give equal respect to anybody in the economy, from the start. That may be a good ideal but in practice at this point the ground should start from level, and that means 100% control by a tribe of their own currency, with no outside influence nor control. 

Any person starting a local indigenous language coin should look at Mazacoin, talk with Payu if he is available, and try to find some synergy between the coins. Payu has always been a decent fellow as far as I know. He has taken a lot of abuse and keeps coming back for more, which most devs of older coins have not done. He is a bit quick on the trigger, not thinking through things entirely in my opinion, but he is the sort of person who gets things done. As long as an indigenous language coin approaches things carefully, lines everything up and takes the opinions of anybody who offers an opinion, with a little salt, including Payu and non Native sources like this website, the coins should do okay. 


More than 2000 currencies already exist, made by individuals and groups to support causes.

Partial list of currencies here


Question: I am a member of a tribe with a language but we don't have a currency. How can I make one?

You should first discuss it with some of the other people and see if there is interest. The next step would be finding a person among yourselves who knows enough about tech to research digital currencies and figure out the parameters / specifications, the distribution etc.

At some point this website will have more suggestions and links to resources that let you create a coin easily. There are a lot of free and cheap 'coin maker' sites where you can enter the parameters and create a digital currency easily, but you are better going slowly and first looking at some of the mistakes others have made. 


Q: I have an idea / opinion that I want to add, or a page I want to make for this site, or I have / know a similar site. Can I add a page or link?

A: Yes, post a link as a comment below, and if it looks okay it will be put on the links page, or added to the main menu. If this site starts to get traffic some way will be made for people to add pages on their own.


Q: I just learned that the deity / messiah / creator that I was taught to worship since I was a child is a fictional character. Help!

A: This is a common problem. Typically religion is one of the first things that has to be stripped from a culture in order to destroy it. When a genuine original spirituality has been taken away then it can be replaced by a false religion that encourages obedience. You are better off having learned that you were wrong, than not having learned. Repent and learn.


Q: Wouldn't it be better if everybody used the same currency? We are all equal and one group can trust another.

A: Actually, the more currencies there are, and the more liberty a person has with regard to which currency to use, the more productive a wider population will be in the longer term.

If every person had their own currency, some individuals would have more popular currencies and some less popular. In the past, due largely to limited education, force was the variable that determined whose currency you used. If your neighbor's country had more guns then yours, eventually you would be obliged to use their currency over yours.

Today both of those variables, education and force, have shifted in favor of encouraging currencies in a different direction. 


Q: Isn't the U.S. a fair society though, with equal opportunity and justice and liberty for all?

A: There is a doctrine called "facts on the ground" used by some countries. The idea behind it is that if you can conquer an area and slowly build upon it as groups mix, then all you have to do is hold the carrot of 'future success' in front of the conquered group until, at some point in the future, your claims appear as valid as theirs.

This strategy gives the appearances of developing well, as time passes, only to the extent that the conquered culture can be eliminated. So the question is "To what extent should Indigenous culture be eliminated?".

The United States has largely destroyed any indigenous culture that pre existed it. There are small pockets of Natives that speak their language still, but their entire lives are built around the national melting pot culture.

If the United States continues as a melting pot based on the conquering culture and language, those pockets will become more visible as time passes, Native culture will be in the awareness of more people, but it will be as a relic, not as a culture that can survive.

There are only a few Indigenous American groups that still are survivable, and even those are being taught to confuse their identities. Their manner of thinking, their habits, their reactions all become those of the outside culture. All that is left of some is the clothing and some music and a rebellious attitude that gives the illusion of a surviving culture. 


Q: I'm confused. One place on this website suggests a slow emission of coins to encourage a language, another place suggests most coins be emitted initially.

A: The purpose of this website is not to make a coin for a group nor to define parameters. The purpose of this website is only to give an idea of some of the questions that have to be examined to increase the chances of success.

In this case, a fast emission of coins would only be beneficial if most of the coins were prevented from being bought by outsiders or otherwise controlled by non speakers of the language. A slow emission of coins would solve that initially but then future coins would have to be created in a way that maintained the connection between the coin and language. One solution might be to give fluent Native speakers coins that cannot be spent but that could generate interest, so only the interest could be spent. When coins become more popular that is one issue indigenous language groups should examine. 


Q: Can't a 'benevolent' group from a 'superior' society teach savages civilization though? Don't the superior ones have an obligation to teach the lesser creatures? 

A: In primitive times, when one group met another, each assumed the other group was stupid. "All they do is grunt, they don't even know any words", or "They haven't even developed 'such and such' technology, which our race developed centuries ago" etc.

If you look at the initial conflict between Indigenous Americans and white colonizers, both killed a lot of people. But, given a choice, some indigenous people would sometimes 'scalp' an enemy, leave him alive to learn. Sometimes scalping was fatal, but it indicates an ethical sophistication in warfare, as well as a step away from focusing resources on war technology and towards the development of the individual, through war.

The truth is that if one group rules over another group it is because they are afraid of them and/or do not understand their culture. There is no 'benevolent rule', it is a fiction designed to establish 'facts on the ground', which leads to assimilation and death ultimately for both groups, a homogeneous society. 

Q: But 'this or that' government is doing such a good thing. They are trying to protect our culture or language, for example 

A: Things like that do not work. It is like an artificial sweetener, saccharin or aspartame, that taste like they have calories but if you rely on them for energy you will fall.

The history of extinctions is a long clear lesson in "Do not trust others to put your interests above theirs". There is no doubt that lawmakers feel they are being sincere, but they are a step down from the original strategic step of conquering, they are in fact only playing their part in finalizing the facts, albeit unwittingly in most cases. The primary interest of a government is to preserve itself, not its composite cultures and languages.

A culture and language survives only to the extent that it is utterly independent of others. This was something the founders of the United States tried to codify, and now that social sciences are more developed it should be clearer to more people. 





"It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand."

~ Apache