
Britain clarifies its timeframe '~24 months'


And Russia's cooperation with Britain is better explained


Some articles are full of symbols which are too easy to understand


Sort of like 'some history is too easy to learn'.


Israel has already been set up to take the spyware fall, what could possible follow?


Last month, Iranian hackers leaked footage of the deadly terrorist bombing that had taken place at a bus stop in Jerusalem the previous day. It was lifted from one of many security cameras installed by an Israeli security agency for surveillance purposes. According to the Israeli state broadcaster, Iran gained access to that camera a year ago. Toka’s product is intended for such scenarios, and much more: hacking into a camera network, monitoring its live feed and accessing its archive, and altering them – all without leaving any forensic trace.

Technical documents reviewed by an ethical hacker prove that Toka’s tech can alter both live and recorded video feeds – all without leaving any forensics or telltale signs of a hack (in contrast to NSO’s Pegasus spyware, or Intellexa's Predator, which leave a digital fingerprint on targeted devices).

For Palestinians in the West Bank, the legal situation is totally different, he notes. “Take for example the Blue Wolf facial recognition technology, used by the IDF to keep track of Palestinians. The West Bank is Israel’s defense establishment testing ground – and a scenario in which Toka’s tech is deployed unbeknownst to anyone is simply terrifying.”


Toka’s documents reveal the states with which Toka was in touch: Israel; the U.S.; Germany; Australia; and Singapore, a nondemocratic country. As of last year, talks for deals were also taking place with U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and a U.S. “intelligence” agency.

 Okay, now it's clear.

 Next will be a British report describing how Israel is the only country with the ability to create epidemic viruses.

Followed by Israeli media lapping it up and asking why no Israeli scientists got a Nobel for that.

The answer, of course, will be 'anti semitism'.

One person who could push Israel in a better direction https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Unz



Now that people know what the weapons are they should wonder where the weapons are



Obviously flooding weapons into Eastern Europe is the strategy, and Ukraine is the pretext.

The UK has ambitious plans, and it will be a while until most Americans realize that it may not be what they expect.

At some point in the next few years a lot of people will wish for the old nuclear games.


Extreme difference between filtered social media like Youtube and sites which still have some realtime capability like Twitter



It's only a matter of time until Twitter reverts to limiting 'dangerous' news tweeted by unauthorized people.


"Hamad was born in 1952. His mother died soon after his birth and he was raised by his uncle.[clarification needed][12]

"Hamad was born in 1952. His mother died soon after his birth and he was raised by his uncle whose breastmilk was sour.[clarification completed][12]" 


Wikipedia is a great source of information on many topics, but is largely controlled by a very narrow group whose 'authority' is based on preventing challenges to their authority.

Wonder where they learn that trick.


Aside from the growing use of injectable lip implants in the Arab world,


one of the biggest global tragedies is the lack of public awareness of the difference between industrialized globalized brainwashing, and the virtually unknown concept of actual education.







Finally, a conspiracy theory that resonates with most people, the 'Golden Billion'




Those Vandals

The etymology of the word 'vandal' is pretty widely known.



It's use by part of the melting pot is evolving alongside other things, such as the growing centralization of military 'authority'.

An example is the use of the word to describe certain types of actions against broader melting pot stability.



""It is unknown if there are any motives or if this was a coordinated attack on the power systems," the sheriff’s department said in a statement." 

 Thousands of years ago the use of language, i.e., control, favored the more powerful entity.

Today that dynamic is different and its effects will accelerate until there is some 'critical mass' reached in the public consciousness, a sub topic within the 'button down vulnerabilities' page.

An interview with a person who had a highly refined understanding of this.



December 23, 2022

 Holy Cow

"Nearly 1.5 million homes and businesses were without electricity"


 It is starting to look like China and Russia are going to stretch a bit and postpone theatrics until next winter, but still should be difficult for many.


A lot of people are poorly equipped for power outages even in warm places, and hundreds of thousands without power is serious. Thousands of people at a minimum uncomfortable enough that they wish they had lived independent of the grid.


 December 19, 2022

In melting pots, everybody teaches but nobody learns while in tribal societies, everybody learns but nobody teaches

"Sentenced to 35 years in prison..."


In Most wrongful convictions, including tens of thousands involving people still in prison, there are plenty of people in the legal system, aware of misconduct, who don't say anything.

Dozens of people within the system, judges, lawyers, the prosecutors, etc, are aware of misconduct in the Esar Met case.

After publicity by "Judges for Justice" and a tv show there are many dozens, perhaps hundreds of FBI agents aware of DNA evidence falsified by one of their own.

After publicity by a French journalist there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of people within the Texas legal system who are aware that Melissa Lucio is imprisoned for a crime she did not commit.

Just in those three cases there are countless dozens of judges, dozens of FBI agents, dozens of prosecutors, etc, who pretend they are "letting the system work" so they can teach others.


At last check Elon Musk was still segregating 'low social status' accounts, and...

...this website may have criticized him for using his company to give millions of dollars in stock options to people with his same last name, but...

his actions in exposing other things redeems him to some extent.







 In the first half of the last century, among countries with a lot of global influence, Germany stood out as developing a worldview which deviated from the rest of the internationalized 'melting pot'. Their biggest strategic mistake was not letting a local worldview develop in areas they were 'colonizing'. Britain had long since understood that issue, if not others.

Today Turkey is in a comparable position with regard to the 'deviating from the...' etc, but it has shifted to the other side of Germany's mistake, i.e., what was Germany's weakness is Turkey's strength.

Trick shots are clever maneuvers, for example in basketball or pool, but in this case they will be things that 'smart' groups of strategists do to control weaker groups. An obvious example is the necessary consolidation of domestic police in the United States under a federal power. But in order to create a centralized federal police with certain types of artificial authority first it is necessary to get rid of impediments. Sort of like if a surgeon wants to operate on the diseased liver of a person, but the person has a gaping sore in front of the liver on the skin, and the sore is exuding toxic bacteria, the surgeon needs to first remove or 'make harmless' the bacteria exuding sore.


This page will be a list of media examples showing trick shots that are influential, but have gone over the heads of most people.

1) This is a unique kind of trick shot from within Russia.

"Putin says Russia ready to negotiate over Ukraine"


At first glance it is trivial, but when combined with the recent exaggerated nuclear posture the message 'from Putin' is that he won't be presiding over the rest of the project. In other words he will be resigning or leaving office if Russia's play in Ukraine will continue. It's entirely possible that he does not know he is going to leave office, one example of why smart people don't hold offices. Also very possible he really does plan a strategic retreat from Ukraine, though less likely. More likely a trick shot from consortiumists in the UK and Russia being clever.

2) Another interesting trick shot from the same general 'easterly' direction.



Europe is collapsing in both directions, but Eastern Europe is both leading the collapse and building a future recovery which is based on accelerating collapse to its west.

Everybody who sees the plunder available has become a pirate, all within a strict framework of laws and formalities.

The poor deluded geniuses who think they control everything, control nothing.





This page will look at likely changes around the globe within a few years of the current instability.

1) The single most tragic change will probably be the extermination of the indigenous populations around Australia. Britain's top strategic concern at the moment is eliminating those populations, and unfortunately there is no defense available. There already exists the means to do it easily, all that is lacking is proper cover. Unfortunately it is something that can be done by a very small cloistered group, and that group can promote both 'tolerance' and extermination at the same time, and benefit from both positions.

2) The state of Israel also has roughly ~0% chance of surviving the change. It looks like almost a global running joke as people subtly point that out. Even Israeli leaders appear to understand the problem in a general way and make no effort to change course, instead accelerating towards the cliff since the individuals controlling the gas pedal have safe outs.

3) The most obvious extreme change in the balances of global power will probably be the incredible rise of Latin America as a power bloc. Another example of how Europe will be seen by history as having shot itself first in the foot then the head.

4) One of the biggest mysteries is Britain's next step with regard to China. At this point all British strategy is effectively transparent to China, and nullable, but the cloistered nature of colonial leadership makes it inevitable that the British are about to take what they consider delusionally to be 'bold' steps. Whatever the British do will only be useful to the Chinese, and whatever price China pays they can easily transfer to their Eastern allies.

5) The Ukraine situation, seen from the perspective of #4, raises all sorts of unusual possibilities, the most obvious and likely of which point to the old conspiracy of transnational power groups pulling strings. Ukraine provides a 'believable' scenario in which these groups can appear to be doing the work of their various allies.

An unusual thing about the current situation is that it allows individuals to see how the worldviews of different groups are developed to different extents.

The archetypes described on this page use definitions specific to the current situation, so this is not in the archetypes section.

Jung described a lot of archetypes but he spent less time discussing how they relate.

Below are a progression of archetypes not necessarily relevant to the current topic, and will be followed with more specificity.


The Coyote is related to the growing tip of a population.



Tribes have rapidly developing awareness in this area, and it is their main strength.

Melting pots have all sorts of substitutes for this archetype, sort of like modern medicines which try to minimize symptoms. If a person wanted to be generous they could say that things like drug use are the 'coyote' of a melting pot, or a step lower, 'criminality', and that would have been sort of true many hundreds of years ago.

The key to understanding the difference in this archetype between melting pots and consolidated societies is the function of privacy. In a melting pot privacy is forbidden, because it inhibits the creation of what Jung called "mass men". All sorts of ruses are concocted to prevent access to this natural medicine, and ultimately the consequence is death, all around. In tribal societies there are all sorts of traditions designed to cultivate the 'coyote' archetype, traditions which gradually decay into symbolic 'rites of passage'.

Today a blind supporter of melting pots who had some understanding of the Coyote archetype would promote drug use as a way to 'force' consolidate their melting pot. Opium has been used this way in the past.

A person or group which wants to cripple its population stifles 'the consolidation of Coyote', which includes humor. As Europe and the United States collapse continues, more and more humor will be criminalized by people trying to prove they are 'good' and should survive.


The Tik Tok Coyote

Tik Tok is an app or website that originated in China but now has a U.S. aspect and is probably in other countries as well.

As a 'Coyote' phenomenon it is an interesting thing for people interested to watch. Some time ago, maybe a year or two, there was opposition to the company in U.S. media. More recently some types of opposition that were more organic, as the first video below shows.



The Hunter archetype is almost always misrepresented.

An excellent example of the hunter archetype is a child. Some children survive, and some don't, and that leads to another archetype which has not been commonly described. But in order to describe this post hunter archetype first some points have to be made.

1) A person hunts skillfully only to the extent that they have developed the previous archetype, and part of melting pot 'consolidation' involves this. When one melting pot competes with another new phenomena arise such as people pretending to be able to do things they cannot do. In this case there are a lot of melting potters highly skilled at pretending this, and it eventually works out that the melting pot closest to having solid ground in the previous archetype has an advantage. The same applies to small groups and individuals.

2) The 'musical chairs' aspect of groups has been mentioned elsewhere but its also an important part of the weakness in how archetypes develop in a melting pot. Every group leaves behind exactly what it first encountered, in other words the only thing any group actually produces is fleeting, illusion. But within any group anybody can observe one constant. No matter what the group or its purpose or appearance, every group consists of leaders who try to extract more long term benefit for themselves at the expense of people lower in the group hierarchy. This understanding is baked into certain 'groups' like the Amish.  Many people look for a 'realpolitik' foundation for their paradigms and get them from their group which leads to their group having a 'baked in' vulnerability that can be exploited as necessary. The 'weak coyote' and 'weak hunter' are foundations that exist all throughout European cultures, including the United States, for example.


In Progress










I am tired of fighting. Our chiefs are killed. Looking Glass is dead. Toohulhulsote is dead. The old men are all dead. 

It is the young men who say yes or no. He who led the young men is dead.

... ... ...

~Chief Joseph Nez Perce