
"We do have some openings in the kitchen, Can you cook?

"The United States applied for observer status in the SCO, but was rejected in 2005"




Something does not compute




If Clarence Thomas keeps his job after accepting millions of dollars in freebies it will be funny


The U.S. is known mainly for the impunity surrounding corruption, but a supreme court justice owned by a billionaire?

That is funny.


Where does this 'deflation' silliness come from?


It would be interesting if an economist explained how that might happen, but so far none has. If the dollar economy got to the point where prices dropped for more than a few weeks it would be because everything else was about to collapse.

The Fed does not have the power to create 'deflation' at this point because there is a massive amount of inflation that still hasn't become visible. Smoke and mirrors could do it if other countries cooperated or were intimidated into cooperating as in the past. But other countries are not moving in that direction.


Australian media must walk a very fine line when discussing squatters


Land ownership rights are one of the main bases for colonial occupation, and in places where indigenous survivors remain, including Australia and the United States, the weak foundation of colonial laws is easy to undermine if things aren't framed a certain way.

In that video a 'respectable' corporate type is portrayed sympathetically vs an animalistic being who the corporate types pretend to get 'help' for.

Here is a more ambitious squatter, in the U.S.


The underlying premise of a colonizer is that the government will provide access to land in a fair way, or in a way that favors the colonizing ethnic group.

This went well throughout most of history, until various pressures prevented the elimination of the prior inhabitants i.e., the colonized.

At some point various trends shifted until smaller and smaller corporate type groups created systems that benefited their slice of the original colonizing population.

As things are today zoning laws restrict land ownership to those who have a fairly lot of money i.e., those willing to devote their life to serving the broader colonial/corporate entity.

An obvious solution would be wealthy people providing land ownership to less wealthy all the way down to those with no resources, but this style never developed, instead the wealthiest pass that responsibility to the government which serves them, and the government passes it to charities mainly.

There are more than 20 million millionaires in the U.S.

There are about 500,000 homeless.

If 2.5% of millionaires bought a cheap parcel of land and gave it to a homeless person, along with a cheap house, there would be no need for anybody to squat.

Of course that won't happen and the situation will almost certainly resolve in a completely different direction.



The Alex Saab saga may be much more complicated than it appears

There seems to be quite a different tone in English vs Spanish discussion of his case, and an educated guess might be that the underlying issue is being obscured by media on both sides.

There is no doubt that there are high level people on both sides trying to steer the narrative, but here are what look like basic facts.

1) Alex Saab appears to be loosely affiliated with what could be called the 'new' cartel, a direct competitor of the broad European political interests that steer the well known cartels.

2) He is very fond of material possessions, and although he does seem to take a stance ideologically, it's not clear if comfort or ideology prevails.

3) He is to some extent of Lebanese and Palestinian descent which may have something to do with his politics.

4) His main 'prosecutor' i.e., the root of his legal problems in the U.S., has more to do with secondary businesses like cocaine than with sanctions.

5) Like most 'challengers' to any existing cartel or consortium he is not actually bringing anything new to the table. He is as much a puppet as the puppets prosecuting him and was hired for similar reasons.





It sounds absurd that the Sinaloa cartel would be interfering in a U.S. election

Until you find out who the Sinaloa cartel works for.



As Macron's plane landed in China the Chinese president whispered to an aide "Who is this guy again?"


His aide said "Not sure."    


How the U.S. population learned to think in a toxic way

Ron Paul is an intelligent guy who has an accurate view of many things which most other public figures lack.

One of the pillars of the ideas he promotes is that a person should have their own beliefs and opinions apart from any gang, but that a person should also not try to control or influence others views. He is more a 'free speech absolutist', and his opponents are always people who believe it is important to form groups to prevent 'free speech' which they disagree with.

Here are two elaborately organized criticisms of him, based largely on the simple fact that he does not support controlling or coercing others.



There are people who don't like dogs, and there are people who don't like cats. Should a person from one of those groups silence those from the other? It leads to progressively stupider people.


The global iq test a lot of smart people are failing? 

There are certain kinds of scams that are very common, but people refuse to see them, so they keep getting scammed. The so called Abraham Accords are a classic example. The current Saudi regime i.e., 'royal family', the state of Israel, the current Egypt, Jordan etc regimes, none of those entities is of use to the next cycle of development in the region as things are now.




The timing defies belief




Again, People should be very careful with Sky News

A Chinese woman was detained in Bodh Gaya following an “extensive 24-hour manhunt” on suspicion of spying for China, say the Bihar police, who named her as Song Xiaolan and circulated a sketch of her. They had reported that she was “under custody and is being interrogated”. However Sky News has now reported that she is “a staunch follower” of HH the Dalai Lama who had overstayed her visa and will be extradited back to China 



Will a technique from the past evolve?     

And why has media coverage of Tibetan issues stopped?



At first glance it looks plausible that  was working for the CIA or other group

But a look at his past writing might point to something else.




One of the big shifts that is being largely ignored is the survivability of indigenous populations vs melting pots.

Up to several hundred years ago a melting pot consumed tribal societies with ease, at no cost.

The next step, or current step, is the exact opposite since there is literally no space for melting pots to consolidate, and the only option is for 'mixed blood' people to serve the 'diplomatic function' that is extensively described in European Renaissance history several hundred years ago.

Those individuals of mixed blood currently running governments act in their personal interests with neither awareness nor motives involving broader issues.

Gershkovich makes reference to subtleties that may be a sort of shark fun in the water with respect to certain aspects of tribal defenses.


A very confusing series of events around a Columbian diplomat extradited to the U.S.

A Wikipedia page full of errors.


Allegations he was working for the DEA.



It looks a lot like what the Soviet Union used to do, and what the U.S. did to Whitey Bulger. In fact the FBI was working for Bulger.


Venezuela is holding a U.S. lawyer, but that individual obviously was not working for the U.S., and it serves U.S. publicity aims to keep him in a Venezuelan jail.


All sides acting unethically but nothing is really clear in any of the cases.


Avalanche may be starting



Next obvious step is price tiers for allies vs foes



Excuse me, Dept of Justice

The Sinaloa cartel was taking orders from the DFS which was taking orders from the CIA.




Garcia Luna is in the same awkward position as Caro Quintera. He knows he will be killed if he talks about the CIA, and he knows he might be killed if he doesn't.

No media interviews for him in jail, right?


"Blinken Says ‘No Doubt’ Russia Has Wrongfully Detained WSJ’s Gershkovich"

"The State Department is working on an official “wrongful detention” designation, which would launch major government effort to win..."


In other words he works for the CIA.

And the U.S. journalists in Venezuela jails don't.


If a Universal Basic Income had begun several years ago coming protests would be mild


But there is no sign of that having happened in recent years.

Maybe the United States has two years left.

Maybe it doesn't.


Sorry to break the news, interest rates can't go higher, and they can't go lower



The real shock not discussed is the combination of a weakening dollar and systemic trade deficits



At some point the West will have to either export or import something which compensates.


An interesting psychological test of the Chinese approaches


The Chinese never had any need to force Western aircraft makers down, a person can guess that their overactivity was human nature.

But now, as their lead develops and grows there will be a tendency to either increase offensive acts, sort of jump on bandwagons, or relax and let things take their course without grandstanding.


"Further deepened their ties"???


Britain and Australia being called separate entities is inaccurate and silly. They have separate governments at a superficial level but it is the same population and interests.

If there is a difference it is only that the Australian part of that population is currently more directly involved in tribal exterminations intended to consolidate the group's gains in Asia.


The massive amount of money and ammunition flowing to Ukraine is getting suspicious to say the least


Obviously there is some intent by both sides to extend the war or use the material outside Ukraine


The technology exists today for colonized victims to lay claim to their colonizers' capitals

And to depopulate them if necessary.


At some point somewhere, a colonized victim society will lay down the law. Its colonizer will either retreat or not.

Easy access to weapons which take any advantage away from colonizers has existed for a long time.

Why should a large country 'own' the people of a smaller country, based on military calculations that are no longer accurate?     


Yahoo's main financial news page has only three articles that are less than 4 days old. How do they stay in business?



Inflation vs inflation?


One of the most interesting things about the current economy is the pending shift from "contraction fears" to "inflation profiting".

Since a few years ago many people have calculated based on the simple fact of a depreciating dollar, i.e., inflation as a domestic factor.

At some point those who still look at regular economic cycles without that reality will have to surrender to facts, but until then there is a tendency of smarter wealthier investors to pull more and more money from conventional types. Unfortunately only those with a lot of money can determine when the shift happens.


Does anybody really not know how this ends?


All sides in that region are going in the same direction.


Donald Trump has probably stolen more money than almost anybody in history

Should a person wonder why all of a sudden he is charged with something that is probably not a crime?


Did he force her to take money?

Is the purpose of charging him with a non crime to divert from other financial issues?


Google's main page has a link telling people how to fact check information


A quick test, and Google fails miserably at whether truth is part of its goal.


Nevertheless, a person should not underestimate propagandists. It would not be surprising if Seymour Hersch was deliberately fed one story by high level U.S. sources so that his story could be discredited. That would raise the question though of why U.S. military propagandists would feed him a false story.


Very funny dynamic developing in the Middle East

Each of the many banana republics believe they will be one of the few to survive, except maybe poor Sisi.

Saudi Arabia is sure that it has secured a place for its royal family in the new world order.


Egypt, Israel, Jordan all will probably fall before Saudi Arabia, but not before they have been milked dry.


Several countries, including the U.S. and UK are trying to absurdly claim they have not been privacy raping their citizens

The strategy so far involves shifting the public focus to private Israeli spyware firms.

Because the state of Israel has been written off.

Though it is still twitching.



Cover stories begin

Adding to political issues long simmering, the realization that major melting pots have hidden oil reserves in poor countries to keep them impoverished will be a big issue soon.

Articles trying to hide that strategy are starting to appear.


But as massive new fields are uncovered it will be harder to hide the truth.


China's fake islands, along with massive metal deposits also are intended to lock up massive oil reserves.

Australia is at the forefront of the next wave of consortium corruption and has invested significantly in Chinese corruption.


After all the freedom and liberty the U.S. brought Iraq they do this?


Oil exporters are running out of time before more hidden oil fields, which wealthy countries have been hiding for decades, open up. The U.S. did its part by draining the SPR, and either the upcoming winter or 2024/25 will be the final blowout.

This will probably be the last oil price rise this century, and it won't be long until conspiracy theories about who was involved in preventing lots of poor countries from finding oil fields in their own countries.

Before the dust settles from oil the mining consortium will seize control of most of Africa and lots of other areas, and in the process will make the mafia look like nuns.


There are many more levels to the corruption involving numerous murders by U.S. agents including the killing of Kiki Camarena



The first article above had never been archived at archive.org until it was done just a few minutes ago.

At the time of those articles, 1990, it was known to the prosecution that CIA agents had asked cartel leaders and the DFS to kidnap Camarena. Berellez has come clean, but all of the other U.S. government employees are still lying when they are interviewed for The Last Narco.

The implications of some of the things they did points to corruption within the various agencies, including the Justice Department, that is more extensive than anything ever discussed publicly anywhere.

The key appears to be the gradual realization by employees of various federal agencies that those who are in charge of pulling strings for the U.S. government are not fighting drugs or terror or crime, they are fighting indigenous tribes who want to survive. That was probably the intuitive realization that led Hector Berrellez to take a step back after noticing that all of the bodies he saw were indigenous.


In fact another DEA agent had come forward even before him, listing identities, passport numbers etc of mostly indigenous people abducted, murdered etc by U.S. agents.


MKUltra 2.0

"the notion that racial minorities were unanalyzable"


"The commission, along with work by the group Black Psychoanalysts Speak, and an influential 2016 documentary called Psychoanalysis in El Barrio, have argued that analysis is a powerful tool for addressing buried racial and class trauma"


Europe is trying to squeeze a last little bit of global supremacy out of broader 'colonial psychiatry' by pretending that Freud's work will evolve into some sort of 'inclusiveness' which will unite conquered groups and their melting pots.

No matter the reason a European analyst in the past might avoid pretending to have insight into a non European, the reason for going far in the other direction will be obvious.

Not a big deal until you realize that this 'inclusiveness' is only possible by eliminating the non European perspective.

Every group evolved its own psychological traditions, and exporting European worldviews to past and future conquerees is not psychology.

Jung advanced a lot of Freud's theories, but he also began the notion that psychology was not the business of understanding somebody else's mind i.e., he needed the money of his business but recognized that each person should chew their own food.


Meth has been the weight loss drug of choice for a generation of Americans. Is Elon Musk going to change that?






Easing the world into commodity consortiums



In the past most public talk has been about domestic price ceilings, but now the public has to be prepared for real inflation by first distracting their attention.





A case of blatant police corruption from 2019


And Google has already whittled it down to 24 results.


If they can erase it down to zero before anybody decides to investigate the cops in that town will be home free.

The police had issued a "Community Briefing Video" which inadvertently showed evidence of corruption by the cops present.



That video is still on Youtube.


Police tried to cover their mistake several ways.

Notice too the second suspect had different pants, shoes etc when he was taken into custody.




Sovereign what?

Some of the stories people tell about 'sovereign citizens' are ridiculous. It is a lot like fictions told by democrats vs republicans, or republicans vs democrats, the biggest difference being that if a real sovereign philosophy were promoted it would benefit people.

According to Fox News, “adherents of the movement believe the US government creates a secret identity for each citizen at birth that controls a clandestine US Treasury account totaling up to $20 million, which is used as collateral for foreign debt. And by filing enough bogus legal documents, including fake liens and false foreclosure notices, sovereign citizens believe they can game the system, ultimately eliminating personal debt or defrauding corporations.” 


There are probably a few dozen people who believe what Fox News and the NYPost are pretending is a common belief.

One irony is that if there is wide instability in the United States eventually, something that appears more and more likely, people with a grounding in 'sovereign' philosophy, i.e., libertarian beliefs, will do much better than most others.


Biometric hazards


One of the downsides of biometric security is that thieves need a body to break the encryption


As an authorized Vape Toxin Connoisseur


There are some vaping systems that are very clean, Boulder comes to mind, but there are also many which feed elaborate toxins into the gasses.

Sigelei vaping cartridges have a unique toxin which gives a special nausea reminiscent of what used to be sprayed on apples in the early 1970s.

Why would anybody deliberately use a vape cartridge that causes nausea which sucks the wind out of their body when cleaner cartridges and healthy tobacco are available? One of those mysteries that is unknown.


"The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet says its Emergency Response Team was dispatched to the incident"


They'll be in a convoy of 5 monster trucks covered in Budweiser decals so honk if they pass y'all.

If the methanol drains into the river there will probably be many thousands of tons of fish killed from Kentucky to the gulf.



Corporations, like governments, are an easy way for criminal gangs to act with impunity

Alphabet Inc's Google LLC intentionally destroyed employee "chat" evidence in antitrust litigation


Are there limits to the shield? Not if it's used properly.

Can Google or GM kill somebody? If they have enough money to spend on corporate lawyers.


After hundreds of mass shootings this may be the first time U.S. police did not hide and wait for the shooter to run out of bullets


It's possible they knew the shooter was a young lady.


China begins the process of reeling in Japan




"US media reported on Monday"


Uhm, no, Iran, sorry but the U.S. media does not report stories like that.

It was mentioned in the Iran version of The Daily Beast, but otherwise not in U.S. media at all.



"Page 8 of about 74 results (0.49 seconds)"




A place to live or a place to die?


Indigenous tribes in the United States are denied sovereignty, but each tribe is carefully led on a path that will lead to assimilation.

By the time the United States realizes that its survival depends on real sovereignty of indigenous tribes, the U.S. will be in full collapse.


A person has to wonder if China and Russia are waiting for the Bolshevik boomerang to hit Europe






One of the core stupidities in most people is the disconnect between economic slowdowns and what motivates central bankers to slow economies down

Food is obviously important in stability, if a country's people cannot afford food they will find a way eventually or die.


But another important thing is energy, which allows industrialization.


Uranium began taking off just before the 2008 recession, and economies were slowed to compensate.

Today uranium is on the brink of becoming a basic fuel which will have shortages, despite it being a common mineral in most countries, and easily mined.






The main discussion about cryptocurrency is how to make money investing in crypto which does nothing

Coins like bitcoin and dogecoin don't do anything useful, therefore they are going to appreciate in value?

Exchanges focus on coins with the least utility, so they have made useless coins the most valuable.



Online comments used to be 97% anti Israel

Now articles are 97% 'no comments section' and articles about Israel are not indexed by Google if the site has a comments section.


372 comments on that article, most by Israelis telling critics not to use any modern technology because they invented everything.

Israel being run by Europeans gives Europe a place to divert attention from upcoming colonial crimes, something they are used to.

The big difference this time is that Israel is no longer any use to them so the 'final bullet' will not be a blank.


Comments turned off & video unlisted, police are learning


Some more things for officers to remember.

1) Civilians are your enemy, always eliminate witnesses.

2) Always carry a dropgun to throw down near the suspect, after using it to eliminate witnesses.


Gold has formed such an interesting technical base that regardless whether it goes down or up, the chart will become unusual



The sabotaging of analytical psychology in favor of colonial 'dsm' psychiatry has allowed for the collapse of the orchestrator i.e., the UK

But corresponding distortions, such as that of behavioral psychology, have enabled the collapse of societies subordinate to them, such as the zionists.


Shockingly, there actually is such a thing as a Middle Eastern Jew, a non European, non melting potted, Jew.

And unsurprisingly those non European, non melting potted, Jews are virtually powerless for now, but their situation will get much worse as Jewish influence collapses with zionists.

With so many noisy philosophical schools it is baffling that nobody has deconstructed Netanyahu's globalist jingoism to the benefit of non globalist tribals.

Are globalists really in need of an army mr Netanyahu?


In Utah, as in most other places, when police say somebody posed an "immediate threat" it is a euphemism for "they were unarmed"



Something not quite right about Israeli 'protests'


Protests in Israel are far more managed and predictable than in most countries.

The appearance in this case is that the protests have been engineered to have a psychological effect on opponents of the state of Israel, in other words to portray the state as having 'good' zionists and 'bad' zionists.

The underlying premise is that the 'image' aspect can be used in a way similar to letting Arab armies get a slight advantage in 1973 so they might be more willing to peace.

That premise though relies on the continued usefulness of the state of Israel to the new international order that is developing, a usefulness that does not seem to exist.

Israeli leaders appear to be waiting for an outside power to arrange their survival, but they are probably in for a surprise.

Nobody with any sense imagines Israel's current borders to last much longer, and if any new superpower leaves any zionist presence in the area it will be a token group that is easily controlled from outside.

Unfortunately there is not even any neighboring country that would be capable of arranging a solution, as Egypt, Jordan etc are not credible governments...yet.


Maybe Israelis should start to wonder if the tactics they have taken pride in are being used against them


Israelis have long taken pride in using their 'diversity' to infiltrate their enemies.


does not compute



More than a year after Bonitas Research published a short seller report on MP Materials there has been no sign of a followup by anybody

The fact that the U.S. is not taking a side is more evidence that wider U.S. policy is controlled by a small group using its policy influence for China's benefit.


"Despite their name, many rare earths are in abundance and in oversupply. There is a lot of fluctuation - mostly speculative - but the long-term dynamics are clearly tilted in favor of a balance of power that favors demand over supply. Moreover, new deposits are constantly being discovered and large areas remain unexplored" 





Wait, what?

"Which is why many citizens are scoffing at junta newspapers’ boastful articles about the regime’s modular reactor project supposedly being implemented with technical assistance from Russia, as well as China-backed solar power and wind power projects" 



The first Chinese propaganda film was made by the global master of propaganda in 1944


Oh wait, Madame Chiang Kai Shek?


The vast majority of suspicious police shootings are never investigated at all

And part of that may be because major media help hide the stories.

Here are some articles and videos about a 2019 shooting.



Then police release what they claim is a still from the video, showing the person with a fairly long barreled gun just before he was shot.

A second before and a second after there is no sign of that gun barrel though.

This is the sort of problem that police need help solving, help from Google and Youtube.

Youtube has exactly four videos, as of March 2023. There were probably dozens at the time, but if you search the name and city there are only 4 now.


Google has 23 results total, including 5 video results and 5 news results.


Whether Google and Youtube hide news items like that on their own, or if there is some federal agency working to pressure them, is anybody's guess.


"evacuated to a coalition medical facility in Iraq, the Pentagon said"



One fatality, a contract employee of WagnerUS, and several uniformed troops injured.


Despite, or maybe because, there are hints of sabotage in recent derailments, Google has only 6 results in the last week for "rail sabotage"

And all of those results are discussing incidents outside the U.S.




The U.S. and China criticize each others' extermination's of indigenous groups mildly

But as the crimes become more visible there is less and less criticism amongst the two colleagues



Is there something worse than stagflation?

And does the possibility of that economic scenario explain why police departments need military gear?



The only way out will be some form of universal basic income, and that will force a new 'target inflation' rate of 'some pretty high number', which is the only path the U.S. has for short term stability as dollar dominance evaporates.


In 1989 the highest levels of the U.S. Justice Department learned that CIA agents had been involved in the torture/murder of a DEA agent

It would be more than 30 years before some of the details became public, but U.S. authorities continue hiding the truth.



The Last Narco tv series gives strong evidence that CIA agents were managing the cartel leaders who ordered the kidnapping, but there are some details in the series that point to something more important.

Going back to before WW2 it was common in the U.S. government to use a person's pedigree to determine what level of access they would have to the machinery of government.

A person who had, for example, a European background would have access greater than a person of Asian background.

The Last Narco does not touch directly on that issue with regard to threats perceived, by the European/U.S. power structure, from other groups, but it does give exquisite examples of the tactics used by people who appointed themselves as defenders of the European/U.S. hierarchy.

Another issue is the mind numbing stupidity which was fed to the public after The Last Narco tv episodes.

"Did the CIA Torture an Undercover DEA Agent for a Mexican Drug Cartel?"



"...and that it was people like him and his grandparents who were the "real Palestinians"..."

Smotrich looks suspiciously European, but if he says he's a Palestinian and he says it's his land, it's not for anybody without a gun to disagree.




March 21, 7am, Coinbase stock looks like it will triple, according to Barrons


March 21, 6pm, ARK dumps a lot of Coinbase stock


March 22, After market closing i.e., extended hours, SEC issues a venomous letter to Coinbase, crashing its stock


March 23, a major short seller issues a report on Block/Square which appears to make use of information from govt sources



TikTok CEO faces intense frilling from U.S. lawmakers

Says under oath "No speeky Engrish"



In the 1970s the U.S. Secret Service publicized photos of Gerald Ford's body double with a sub machine gun.


Today it is considered secret that high profile politicians use body doubles.


One seldom discussed issue around sovereign indigenous rights involves the usefulness of mixed blood people to a melting pot


If two sovereign groups, including a melting pot and an indigenous group, each have sovereign territory then each uses the genetic reservoir of mixed blood people to evolve and benefit.

But when one group, typically a melting pot, prevents sovereign indigenous territory, then as the indigenous population loses its ability to survive as a viable separate original population, the melting pot gets deficits, genetic frailties, which persist unless/until the original indigenous population is restored.

Nobody loses when indigenous people have sovereign territory on which to live apart.

And nobody wins when they don't, and the big loser is the species.

Worse, as an indigenous population slowly melts into its conqueror, mixed blood people, archetypal diplomats, are pawns the melting pot tricks into serving it's conquest. All sorts of social trickery is used by governments to create a hierarchy with indigenous at the bottom then mixed then 'pure' colonizers at the top. Alcohol is an easy tool to use, casinos, social benefits, all carefully arranged to create the illusion of a deficient indigenous people rescued through colonization.

Notice NITV and SBS are largely controlled by the Australian government, and subtly promote a viewpoint that subordinates indigenous sovereignty to the worldview of the European based or 'white' worldview.




Youtube seems to be hiding videos which discuss Indigenous sovereignty solutions involving the return of tribal lands to their original inhabitants

A common 'replacement theme' on Youtube is 'indigenous data sovereignty', which suggest preventing discussion of indigenous sovereignty may be connected to the European 'intellectual property' scam.







Shortcut to extinction


Australia will soon be the most lethal place to be an indigenous person.

In spite of widespread knowledge of colonial ploys there is virtually no public discussion of sovereign land rights or defense.

In order to understand the 'sovereign citizen' concept a person first needs to look at basic psychology.


If two strangers meet in a place with no other people, and one of the two immediately approaches and shoots/stabs the other, most people would agree that an offense against the oldest human laws has been committed.

But if two people meet a stranger in a place with no other people, and the two shoot/stab the one there is a different dynamic. As before most people would agree that an offense has been committed, but the two offenders would have the seeds of a diseased empire, and they would ignore the offense, it would be invisible to them.

If the two then became three, on and on until they no longer had to shoot/stab challengers then you would have what is sometimes referred to as a 'beast' or 'group creature' which would find justification for its crimes within itself, a nonsensical opportunistic 'justification' which stands only on the 'logic' of the gun.

Modern melting pots are largely made up of these group creatures which operate under the assumption that as long as they keep loyal to the beast then they will eventually have its power.


A Utah young man was stopped by police for a traffic infraction.


He very clearly is making philosophical arguments and shows no signs of any 'dangerousness' by any standard. Police then shoot him and drag his body out of the car, and handcuff him. If he had known beforehand how police would react he could have defended himself. Others should learn what he didn't know.


Note the comments in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCv4zCZgVRM . There are people on both sides, but those who show admiration/respect are generally showing it for the dead fellow not for the police.

A person can go through the comments on videos about that fellow 


and get a sense of why media outlets in the United States have been under pressure to remove comments sections from their sites.

That person evidently was abusive to his wife and she chose to stay with him til that day, either for financial or psychological reasons.

On the day in question he was abusive and she left after he fell asleep. After she left she called police who snuck around his house attempting to surprise him.

The best solution to that issue probably involves reducing the financial pressure some women might have as a pressure to stay in such a relationship.

What the police actually do though is entirely the result of their eagerness to satisfy what they perceive as the will of the bureaucratic authorities above them. They did not sneak around because they had some value, they snuck around because their job gave them an opportunity to live out adolescent motives that they could not get away with except as part of an armed group.


Here is a video that shows somebody being asked for their id. Because the person is not cooperative he is accused of 'assault and battery on a police officer'.



This page will list some factual points regarding sovereign citizenry.

1) Here is a woman claiming police do not know when a situation with a sovereign citizen will "escalate". Her 'expertise' is derived entirely from her willingness to support those with physical power over her.

She will support literally any group which has physical power over her, and will never grow beyond that until she has the experience, however brief, of living in a free area. She is a very good example of a person who has been prevented from even knowing that there is such a thing as 'personal liberty', and people who have power over her of course do not want her to learn that personal liberties exist.


A person who is a 'sovereign citizen' has no interest in forcing themself on anybody.

Any government can operate either at the will of the governed, or it can operate through simple force.

It requires a lot of careful thought to construct government in a way that aligns with the will of the governed, in other words to 'govern with the consent of the governed' so that is seldom done. Rule by force is very simple so that is usually the way government authority works in most countries.

Ruling by force requires a threshold level of obedience among the population. In other words you cannot rule by force alone if 90% of the population does not go along. That leads to 'incentivized obedience'. People who tow the line of authorities are given perks by those authorities to continue extending their support to authorities.

Most people have heard of drapetomania.


Slavery was the control of one part of the population by another part, and its legitimacy came through the simple circular fact that it was "'authorized' by authorities", and those authorities had enough power to draw in other people whose security is derived from being controlled by others with more power.

Other forms of security are generally illegal in countries like the United States. You either join the gang or you lose the right to security. Not a survivable situation for many people in all directions.

Any country can start with basic laws that boil down to 'do not use force against others except as a defensive last resort'. But most industrialized countries have core power groups which have inaccurately extended that legal basis to a mind boggling array of regulations meant to ensure obedience to specific power groups.

2) An interesting video that says "law enforcement officers are at the most risk when dealing with sovereign citizens", then 'proves' that statement by saying "In 2014 there was a study done by the University of MD...law enforcement officers considered sovereign citizens their greatest threat".

Most high school students can spot the faulty logic there, college students would call it 'a thinking error' or 'a classic logical fallacy'.



3) An interesting video by a self proclaimed 'doctor of something' who understands that pandering to power is practical, but he is not willing to do anything other than pander.


He uses a lot of non facts as facts, but his basic point is clear, a person needs to obey those who have the most physical power. Left unsaid is that those who abuse others under that dynamic are eliminated when it becomes practical.

That video is better than most on that subject, but a person can see that 'Dr Grande' clearly feels he does not have liberty to speak. He is aware of the climate in the United States and knows that his overall argument must be framed as being 'obedient' to police.

4) The basic 'legal' foundation of sovereignty i.e., 'legal' in a universal sense not a local sense, is that a person should not be compelled to participate in something they are not interested in participating in.

The obvious 'local' question is to what extent the 'authority' of a powerful group can enforce its laws on others against their will, using obedient lesser authority people, such as police.

And the other side is whether a person should be compelled to obey the entirety of an artificial authority if they want access to any aspect which is associated with an authority group they do not belong to and have no interest in joining.

For example if a person does not use roads built within a framework related to the 'authority', does not use utilities etc, does not use schools or businesses within the realm of what those subordinate to that authority consider 'theirs', can the authority's followers pursue them and force them to pay tribute to the various regulations? Or if a person uses one part of the infrastructure which an authority claims, such as the water supply, are they fully obligated to the authority which they have no interest in?

In the United States there is literally no physical place where a person can go, even temporarily, where those with the 'authority' mentality will suspend their authority beliefs willingly, so the question is moot.

A person cannot go, for example, to some secret room in their house where saying something illegal suddenly is not illegal, or where they can use an illegal substance without concern for the force of the 'authority' that declares it illegal, there is no 'wilderness' where a person can own a vehicle that does not have the proper paperwork.

In fact one of the ways lesser members of authoritarian societies 'get power' is to aggressively eliminate any healthy space within which non obedient people might grow.

This then leads to a predictable path which can be deduced based on psychological studies done by CG Jung and others with regard to the effects of preventing people and populations from having any healthy space.

Countries like North Korea, which are also authority based, do still have vast areas outside the reach of these authorities, generally rural areas with limited economies. The United States has no such areas. There are many 'law enforcers', almost certainly a majority of them, which spend most of their 'enforcement' effort on new ways to eliminate any space or territory which might be used in a way that does not glorify the authority they derive power from.

Notice in the first video at the top https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPPJ96QFfX4 the young man has literally no right to any space, despite his offense being trivial and 'local', while police give themselves the right to the space he occupies, and feel that they are immune not only from local law but from universally accepted 'laws' or norms of behavior.

Should people follow traffic and vehicle laws in public areas? It's a good idea to do so.

Should police attack those who don't? Most police believe their authority figures have authorized them to do that.

Should those who use incidents like that to further their professional ambitions, e.g. as police officers, be commended, in other words should people pretend that the use of force was proper? That's for any individual to decide in their own belief system.

Within that context the police, as a group, can confabulate an elaborate fiction in which they are heroes defending some vague but 'important' value which their 'authorities' have authorized them to use as a sort of wildcard to keep power in their group.

A person would say it looks like some unhealthy children have formed a gang and are eliminating their superior peers, very similar to, for example, the anti education campaigns in Pol Pot's Cambodia and many other countries.

the Khmer Rouge were against education in principle and preferred to rule over illiterate people


The 'authorities' never escape in a place like the United States. Because they are trained to eliminate people like Chase Allen who could lead others in a better direction, they spend their lives pretending to create something that doesn't exist by destroying what should exist.

5) There are many different kinds of individuals which are called 'sovereign citizens'.

The basic 'sovereign' philosophy is libertarianism i.e., do not intrude on others, and carefully sabotage those individuals who do intrude, with the 'sabotage' being according to laws which are 'less local'. It is an individual philosophy that does not work as a gang philosophy. So a person who has that understanding can enable an understanding of it in another person, but if those two people then try to construct a dogma or form a group they are no longer real sovereigns, they are now gangsters.

A good example of the sovereign idea can be seen in the interaction of different species. When a person sees a creature from a different species that person instinctively recognizes that the creature does not need anything from the person, for example the creature has its own life and does not need the person to take control over it.

A smarter person, or species, will generally try to work symbiotically with other people, or species, and failing at that will generally try to cause the least harm to the other person or species. That would be one who recognizes the 'sovereignty' or independence of creatures from other species.

Slower people, or children, generally learn this in a developmental way, unless they spend their lives within the authority of a group and thus are prevented from that developmental step.

Those group creatures trapped within an authority, for example the police in that video, will never get independence, sovereignty, unless they leave the group, which few ever will. Like a baby stuck to its mother they have everything they need and no interest nor awareness of anything else.

6) What is the origin of the 'sovereign individual' concept?

In a consolidated tribal society i.e., a stable tribe with adequate space, there is full sovereignty for all people to such an extent that it is not even visible.

When a melting pot consumes a tribal society the first step is to eliminate sovereignty for those who are conquered until they are fully assimilated, consumed. You cannot capture a wolf and then put it in your house and pretend it has your local rules. First you have to eliminate it's space then control it until it no longer has health.

As a melting pot grows into an empire there is no real sovereignty left for anybody except the weak pseudo sovereignty that comes from having artificial authority and control over others.

An unfortunate irony is that the final step in the death of the tribe is a wave of 'good intentioned people' who are willing to give all sorts of benefits to the conquered groups, except space on which they can survive.


Australia, like the United States, can only survive by eliminating any sovereign space its victims might find, and forcing the delusion that the land of sovereign indigenous people is, in fact, a corporate property under the stewardship of the conqueror.

7) The conflict between a group of government gangsters and a group of 'sovereigns' boils down to who has rights to an individual's personal space.

Groups of sovereigns generally recognize that their own constructed authorities, often based on archaic contracts, are silly. But they also realize that the flimsiness of their constructs is not as unstable as that of the authorities they challenge. So in cases like the vehicle stop above, a 'sovereign' is saying that his flimsy arguments are stronger than their flimsy arguments. He is right, and that leaves authorities the choice of either discussing and surrendering to the truth or imprisoning/killing him.

Modern melting pots try to force their populations to project their 'space' onto something which is regulated, then the authorities claim authority over that regulated object. Cars are common examples, but the same is done with houses. A house, in a melting potted person, is an extension of personal space, and, like a car, any individual's specific projections onto that object have specific content.

Here is an example of a group of police trying to enforce their control over the house of a person they have some disagreement with.


There are a lot of things that a person can deduce from that video about how this specific melting pot works.

Those police officers obviously do not want what they are doing later done to them by others, and they believe they have found the perfect shield. In other words they feel that as long as they are loyal to the vague 'authority of government' or 'authority of the melting pot' they are protected from accountability for any misconduct.

As a group those police form a sort of 'beast' but the 'beast' follows natural rules which are not under their control. Sort of like a person can use a car, but if a person imagines that they have authority over the physics of internal combustion eventually they will lose. In this case the 'beast' or 'group creature' the police are building around themselves is best defined in modern political terms as 'a gang that coerces' or 'a government of authority figures that operates against the will of those without that authority'.

The corresponding 'shadow' beast is much more natural and powerful, for example the fellow who killed several police officers in one of the videos above. He was not really acting as an individual, any more than the police attacking him were, but most people recognize that his authority was far more legitimate than that of a group of men paid to pretend they were helping his wife.

Notice in that last video, and in the vast majority of interactions between independent people and 'police', the police officers are using coercion to force a person into their physical control, something which is universally recognized as giving the victim an implicit right to use deadly force.

People seldom kill police officers who overstep, whether for practical reasons i.e., expected retaliation, or politeness, or other reasons. But in the United States specifically it is almost certain that economic conditions will lead to further militarization of police, and at some point the only thing that might prevent a person from defending themself against overstepping cops would be patience and/or politeness, neither of which are likely to be abundant as economies fall.

In Progress









Immediately after the killing it was reasonable to assume that Elizabeth Barraza's husband was the most likely suspect.

In October 2022 Paula Zahn aired an episode which changed things though.



As of March 2023 below is the most likely sequence of events surrounding the murder of Elizabeth Barraza.

January 2017 to January 2019

Elizabeth Barraza's father in law had a flooring business which doubled as a way for him to meet women.

Within approximately this 2 year window one of the jobs he went on involved a household with an overprotective father living with a rebellious daughter. On the day in question Elizabeth Barraza's father in law arrived at the job, and the daughter at that house was angry at the limits placed by her father. She flirted with the flooring contractor, he responded enthusiastically, and they had a brief 'relationship'.

Days or weeks later the girl's father was hemming her in so she played her card.

The girl's father verified, to his satisfaction, that the girl was telling the truth.

He then contacted a person he trusted thoroughly, probably a childhood friend in Mexico, and probably in direct conversation during a trip to Mexico, and discussed punitive action.

December 2018 through January 2019

Aware of the risks of killing on U.S. soil, and after careful consideration of options, the decision is made to target the wife of the flooring contractor's son. A person was placed in the area to get information, and in late January 2019 they decide to move.

January 24 to January 26, 2019

A shooter and his assistant drive north and cross from Mexico into Texas using fake documents.

The goal is to kidnap the wife of the offender's son, but the person is selected for his willingness to kill if he feels it is necessary, not for his kidnapping skills.

January 26, 2019

License plates on the vehicle are swapped with stolen/temporary plates and the kidnapping proceeds, but goes awry when she refuses to walk with the kidnapper back to his truck, and he kills her.

License plates are switched back and the killer crosses back into Mexico.

January 26 to early February, 2019

Local police ask for help from federal agencies.

People at a federal agency quickly realize that the shooter is not a 'U.S. person', and that there has been no chatter about the hit among groups they monitor.

The vehicle is identified from film at a border crossing, and a U.S. agency watches the shooter's communications for a while before determining he and his close colleagues are independent of any network that agency had been monitoring.

Because this group is so small it could effectively be eliminated by arresting the people identified within the first few weeks, but the federal agents involved are led by supervisors who are 'long term corrupt' government agents in the style of Felix Rodriguez and his crew. They decide to empower the group by penetrating it and feeding them information that will help them grow under their control.

Felix Rodriguez was a CIA agent who imported cocaine and other drugs into the United States for 'power and profit', but operated under cover of acting on national security. U.S. federal law enforcement has been aware of the activities of Rodriguez and dozens of similar agents for decades, but are afraid/powerless to arrest them. Despite numerous murders, including the high profile killing of Kiki Camarena in the 1980s, this network of U.S. federal agents operates with impunity and has the full resources of the U.S. government at their disposal.

The corrupt federal agents know they have to create a smokescreen to throw investigators off the trail of their budding new mini cartel so they start creating diversions.

In order to distract from the obvious 'kidnapping' scenario, since the shooter extended his arm just before shooting, they start a story that maybe he handed her a note. Most U.S. people have no idea that kidnappings are common in many countries so the story is unchallenged by media and public.

When the family of the victim starts pushing police as to why no progress has been made, a story is invented about a possible tip in Miami. That will keep local police busy for a few days and give the appearance that federal agents are still working to solve the case.


In Progress




What can be reasonably guessed about the shooter?

Male in his early 20s from Guatemala/Mexico border area.

OCD, prefers to work alone but is comfortable with people from that area.

Raised in a rural area.


How likely is the timeline above?

~90% based only on the information so far.


Why are Texas authorities not clarifying various facts about the case even after it is unsolved for four years?

The federal authorities who are cultivating the killer and his circle will provide an endless list of reasons to Texas authorities for why certain details are not released.

They have probably used their knowledge of the killer's network to merge it with another network they have influence over, and they have to be careful that the public does not find out how those networks are used. There have been many similar scandals, the gunwalking scandal, Iran Contra murder of Kiki Camerena, and many others. Most never become public, but the southern U.S. border is probably the epicenter of U.S. law enforcement misconduct.


Would the person who started the story about the shooter handing her a note have some connection to the border agents or other law enforcement trying to keep the case unsolved?



Would the federal agents who arranged the Miami distraction be a few steps or less from the federal agents behind the ruse?

Almost certainly.


Is there some chance that the ruse really is designed to reduce some sort of crime or otherwise serve the public interest?

No, it's clear what they are doing and why, and their ambition is not related to anything that is intended to help anybody other than themselves.


A few seconds after Elizabeth says 'Good morning' the shooter seems to say 'morning' as a fair English speaker, isn't it possible the shooter is from Texas?

Very possible.


Is it more likely the woman who triggered the plot was daughter or girlfriend/wife of the person who arranged it?

The scenario listed is daughter, but actually girlfriend/wife is more likely.

A person targeting somebody who offended an over protected daughter would be targeted more directly usually.

A wife or girlfriend in a situation like that would be more like 'property' though to somebody who would retaliate indirectly that way.

So the fact that Elizabeth was targeted, and not Oscar or Sergio makes it a little more likely the woman was wife/girlfriend rather than daughter.






This page will list examples of things that are incomprehensible except when two 'archetype trends' are combined.

1) The 'knot' is an important archetype that is difficult to understand because most examples are not simple.

One interesting subject discussed a lot on this website involves tribal vs melting pot worldviews, and an example of the 'knot' archetype which involves that is the shift in awareness in people regarding a 'complete' understanding of that which a person can understand.

When a person is born they must accept everything in their environment as being a component of 'the complete world', in other words their future worldview has 'potential' which they will eventually trade for something else.

As they age there are more and more things that must be excluded in order to end up with a complete understanding of the world.

Finally when a person dies they have a complete understanding of the world.

Along this route some people get a more complete understanding at a longer interval before their death, but these individuals must sacrifice more of the potential referred to at the first step.

Here is an example of somebody who has come up with an unusually complete 'final worldview', but is oblivious to the fact that no worldview is universal.


In order to arrive where he is he had to have started with more 'potential', but by promoting his 'complete' worldview he, or those who promote his view to outsiders, is trying to extend his sacrifice to others.

It is sort of a microcosm of how melting potters are motivated to 'help' tribals by 'teaching' them whatever 'truths' melting potters have found, and of course the rest of society i.e., economy, military, religion etc are recruited in the campaign to 'help' tribals.

That video shows somebody who has managed to go from one side of that specific knot to the other while still not near dead, and the fact that he still has a fair amount of energy left means he might be able to tidy up the unfortunate part of his solution, in other words by recognizing that his 'completed' worldview is only valid for people within his economically/militarily/etc melting pot.

The proper solution is important in the long term because a melting pot always needs food, and the global melting pot has been eliminating that food source at an unsustainable rate.

Worse are shifts within the melting pot, such as the European, or 'UK', shift to Australia, which will necessitate those European Australians eliminating the remaining indigenous population regardless what any European Australians pretend.

At 1 hour 4 minutes 20 seconds in the above video https://youtu.be/leES6Lgz4o8?t=3860 somebody gives an analogous example of children, as opposed to tribals. Another way to look at it is that all animals have different collections of senses and live in very different worlds and the same applies to a lesser degree in tribes.

If 'tribal survival' had existed at the time of Neanderthals etc then today the 'melting pot' would be advancing in sciences much more quickly, and the other human tribal groups such as Neanderthal, modern human, etc as well.

Because that opportunity was missed today the range is much narrower, perhaps 30,000 years of evolution between differing tribal groups, and the most valuable tribes are the least likely to survive, for example indigenous non European Australian tribes and furthest east mew world tribes.

People imagine that things like mathematics and physics are universal sciences whose laws apply to all life, but that is simply not true. Notice at about 54:46 https://youtu.be/leES6Lgz4o8?t=3286 he summarizes by using phrases from his local worldview which are archetypally equivalent to the issue of it were framed in the way this page considers proper. So he was born with the 'potential' to cross the knot or 'untie' it which he did, and now he is again at the same place, or what could be called 'a new version of the old knot' and he decides to cash out or 'consolidate' instead of expanding/growing.

These edifices being constructed to the melting pot, these non universal sciences and worldviews, require the consumption of tribal worldviews or sciences, and until that is done in a sustainable way it means exterminating tribes to grow the sciences of the melting pot.


An alternative, an extension of diplomacy from the Middle ages, is strong military defenses for tribal groups and sciences evolve locally rather than through what amounts to government sponsored sacrifice of tribes for a fictional 'greater good'.

In Progress.


2) This involves a change in perception that will have enormous consequences, but faces an extreme danger which, although predictable, is invisible to the types of people who are likely to have the most influence in the shift.

Start with this important article


and notice the paragraph

In the twentieth century, scientists devised new imaging methods like electron microscopy, which can be used to view tiny particles that are much smaller than cells, to detect a second fundamental form of biological organization: the viruses. Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites. These selfish genetic elements typically encode some proteins essential for viral replication, but they never contain the full complement of genes for the proteins and RNAs required for translation, membrane function, or metabolism. Therefore, viruses exploit cells to produce their components.

Notice the language and tone involving viruses. It is clearly charged sentiment which indicates that the author of that article, an expert far beyond most, is leaving some coal in a specific spot which can be converted to something more useful.

Obviously at the level to which that author refers the word 'selfish' is silly so that person is implying, consciously or not, that there is a symbiotic relationship between viruses and other branches.

Why the couched language though? That person recognizes a danger in human nature, and is inserting a safety mechanism that is usually widely ignored by most people.

Here is a more sociable scientist giving a similar warning, though in the opposite way, using gushing happiness instead of scorn.


And a partial step past that though still avoiding big steps.


And then finally the language reverts to the early paragraph copied above.


Between the first view above and the last there is a strong shift away from the obvious of examining male vs female evolutionary roots, but why?

A second relevant factor involves the 'consciousness' of groups, something often considered a religious topic, such as Christian and other references to 'beasts'.

In this video a vast amount of space is opened up between the first and last videos above.


The specific shift both of those scientists see wraps up a lot of scientific loose ends, and the changes in perception that result will probably allow most people to perceive the actual value in 'different' or 'tribal' worldviews, which would necessarily slow their extermination.

The very big step that is missing seems to be "the science of neoteny" which doesn't exist yet, but would allow people to see bigger patterns.


In Progress


3) Neanderthal diet is one small part of human diet over a much longer timeframe, but if a person looks back far enough some deductions can be made by looking at early human origins and genetic clues in prion diseases.

Saying that a particular thing is 'evolution in action' is a way of avoiding investigating.







Obviously the earliest ancestors of humans were not cannibalistic, and of course the specific types of foods available evolved dramatically.

A completely separate concept, neotany, has several very different definitions.



In Progress




I am tired of fighting. Our chiefs are killed. Looking Glass is dead. Toohulhulsote is dead. The old men are all dead. 

It is the young men who say yes or no. He who led the young men is dead.

... ... ...

~Chief Joseph Nez Perce